Next Day

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Anya woke up in her old room and wondered if anyone drove last night, hammered. She hope not, she had given Happy detailed instructions of not letting any of them drive.

She then hears the beeping of her phone, "Hey, just woke up… Okay, let me get dress and I'll meet you there." Anya hangs up and runs to grab her hoodie.

Anya was almost out the door when someone cleared their throat, making Anya turn around. "Where you of to?" Steve asked.

"I have rehearsals…" Anya explains, as she retracts her hand from the doorknob.

"Rehearsals?" Natasha came out of the kitchen and places a plate of scrambled egg on the table, "What rehearsal?"

Anya placed her backpack on the table, "For Peter's wedding song…"

"What song?" Natasha asked.

"I See The Light from Tangled." Anya replied. "May I leave now?" Anya sarcastically asked.

Natasha waved her hand, "Go."

Anya sighs and turns around to leave, then a sudden wave of realization hit her, "God I hope none of them woke up with a hangover."

It took her five minutes to get to the studio, Anya opened the door to a small dance studio.

"You made it?" a freckle faced brunette woman sighs.

Anya smiles and gives her a hug, "Hi Abbie, thanks again for letting us use your studio…"

"Anything for the A-Team." Abbie smiles as Anya let's go, "I'm gonna go; errands. Lock up when you're done…" Abbie tosses Anya the keys, before leaving.

"Okay." Anya nodded as she started to open up the curtains to let light in. It was a room with hardwood flooring and mirror on every wall, a Bluetooth speaker at  one corner and piano guitar and violin on the other, a cubby in the next room; the dressing area. As Louna, Kelly, and Mary walked in with Peter and Michelle, Anya had just connected her phone to the speaker.

Peter clears his throat, "So… this is the studio of your prep school friend?”

Mary looks at Anya, "Shut up! Abbigail from our dance class owns this?!"

"Yeah." Anya nodded, "After college, she married Thomas Lancaster—"

"The publisher?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah." Anya nodded, once more. "He owns Lancaster Bookster— well they do."

"Anyways," Louna grabs the acoustic guitar, "let's play."

Mary picks up the violin, as Kelly picks up the cello and Anya sits down on the piano. "Two… three… four…"

Kelly: All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in

Louna: All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been

Mary: Now I'm here blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here suddenly I see

Anya: Standing here it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

All four: And at last I see the light

Kelly: And it's like the fog has lifted

Mary: And at last I see the light

Louna: And it's like the sky is new

Anya: And it's warm and real and bright

All four: And the world has somehow shifted

Mary: All at once everything looks different

Anya: Now that I see you

All four: All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were

Kelly: Now she's here shining in the starlight

Louna: Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

All four: And at last I see the light

Kelly: And it's like the fog has lifted

All four: And at last I see the light

Louna:  And it's like the sky is new

Anya: And it's warm and real and bright

Mary: And the world has somehow shifted

All four: All at once everything is different
Now that I see you
Now that I see you…

"Soo?" Anya stood up.

"What'd you think?" Mary asked.

"Wow!" Michelle exclaimed.

Peter clapped his hands, "Brava!"

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