Web Stalk

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Cassie was at the cafeteria in the heart of the compound with her laptop.

Betty walks in to grab a cup of coffee, when she sees Cassie engrossed in her laptop. As Betty approached, Cassie quickly closed the laptop. Betty sat beside Cassie and opened the laptop, "Why are you researching Harry Stabler?"

"You know him?" Cassie asked.

"He's the nephew of my mentor…" Betty explains. "Why?"

"I… uh…" Cassie sighs, "met him at Starbucks… the other day… is he taken?"

"Why? Do you like him?"

"What?" Cassie trying to sound oblivious. "Nooo… I was just curious…"

"Uhuh…" Betty unconvinced, "last I heard he was getting married…"

"Oh…" Cassie disappointed. She closed her laptop, as she got up and headed out.

"But the girl left him at the altar." Betty called back, Cassie smiled.

"Hey!" Kelly and Mary walked by, and saw the grin on Cassie's face.

Cassie didn't see them, she was busy daydreaming.

Mary and Kelly laughed, when Mary gasped, "She's in love!"

"Who's in love?" Anya questioned.

"Cassie." Kelly replied.

Anya looks at Betty, "What's his name?"

"Leave it be, Anya." Betty begged. "He's a good guy…"

Anya sat down and started to do a little hacking into Cassie's computer, "This is so wrong." As the computer loaded up Cassie's screen; "Harry Stabler, came from a psychology family; the only grandson of Dr. Theodore Stabler, and nephew of Dr. Theresa Stabler Chow. Dr. Stabler Chow is a professor of Psychology in Hudson University… " Anya looked shock at Betty, "Didn't you go to Hudson for your PhD?! Did you know him?!"

Betty nodded.

Kelly leaned into the computer screen and scrolled down, "Looks like our beloved cousin is stalking Harry… not that I blame her. He is rather dashing."

Mary looks at the image, "Okay, yeah… he looks alright."

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