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Anya regained consciousness; she was lying on the  ground, she quickly realized that she wasn't in New York anymore. As she got up, she hears wailing and crying.

She walked towards the doorway into the cloud of smoke, what? she thought.

She was in a room, with someone aiming a gun at her and a younger Madame B looking over the shooters shoulder.

As soon as her eyes adjusted, Anya realized that the shooter was in fact her mother. The gun went off and Anya couldn't move but the bullet went through her. A loud Thud! behind her, making Anya turn and see a person with a sac over their head fell in a pool of blood.

"Not even a flinch?" a man's voice questioned in a thick Slavic accent. He was dress in a black suit and tie, with his silk dark hair combed and perfectly gelled, he wore a top hat and carried a black cane. He then jumps down from the window sill, "Волос, Slav deity of the underworld."

Anya shocked, "Is that where I am, the underworld?"

Volos chuckled, "Well, yes in a matter of speaking… you are in the Slavic region of the underworld…"

"Regions?" Anya questions, "How are many regions are there?"

"Too many," Volos shook his head, "but your friends are in Valhalla and Hell…"

"Louna?" it clicked and Anya questions, "Why is she here? Answer me!"

Volos smiles, "Follow me, hero."

Anya calms down and follows the deity out they were surrounded by white hot flames. Anya then sees Hela sitting on a throne of skulls and her feet was Louna and a dozen other Asgardian heroes.

"Louna?" Anya called out.

Volos walked up to Hela and announced Anya's arrival.

Hela grins, "If it isn't Rogers?"

Anya looks at Louna, "We are here to find Kelly, do you know where she is?"

Hela waves her hand, "She's dead…"

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