Hydra European HQ

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Anya and Louna walked into the building and was greeted by at least a dozen of armed guard.

"What is your business here?!" the guard demanded, as he put his gun on Anya's head.

Anya swallowed, "I am Anya Stephanie Romanoff Rogers and I am here to see the person in charge."

"Cease!" a female voice ordered.

She walked directly to Anya and waved her hand at the guards, "What can I do for the daughter of Captain America and Black Widow?"

Anya nodded, "I assume your in charge?"

"Ildiko Adami and yes I am in charge." she smiled.

Anya was puzzled, "Ildiko's a Hungarian name and yet you speak English perfectly…"

"I was trained as a child to fit in America." she lead both Anya and Louna to her office, and proceeded to pour scotch into three glasses. "So I ask again what can I do for the daughters of Earth's Mightiest Heroes?"

Louna sighs, " Tell me, Ms. Adami, have you ever been judged because of who your parents are?"

Ildiko looked at Louna as she offered the glass to her guests, "I am a descendant of Attila. Yes, I do understand the pressure…"

Anya slightly smiled, "I have a proposal for you…"

"I'm listening…"

Anya leaned in, "We are on the run from the older generation of Avengers… if you can manage to help us not to be found, we would gladly help Hydra's cause…"

"And what cause is that?"

"Advancing weapons to create peace amongst people." Anya responded.

"Are there more joining?"

"Um… the older Stark sisters and their brother, Cassandra Lang, and, Cooper and Lila Barton we are in different continents to get a hold of the main branch of Hydra in that continent." Louna describes.

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