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Anya gasped for air as she led her parents up the mountains of Scotland. As soon as they reached the top, Anya's phone started ringing. "Its the Bartons." Anya, then, answers the video chat, "Hey, were in Scotland… make it quick… I see the target."

"Aunt Nat, be careful you might turn into a bear." Lila chuckles.

Anya rolled her eyes in annoyance, as Nathan added, "Uncle Steve might loose his left leg…"

Anya huffed, "You done?"

"Hold on," Cooper smirks, "Anya, don't forget to Touch The Sky."

Anya shook her head, "And bye!" as she ends the call. Anya looks up at her parents, "Yes? Disney's Brave, Princess Merida… big red curly haired blue eyed disney princess, Merida. The one whose mother turned into a bear because of a spell in Scotland." Anya breathed out and in a Scottish accent recited, "I am Merida, firstborn of clan Dun broch and I'll be shooting for my hand!"

"Oh!" Steve realized.

"Yes, please, don't tell Louna or the Starks I quoted Brave in Scotland." Anya begged.

"Of course," Natasha smiled, "let's just climb this mountain."

As they climbed the mountain, Anya started humming, then, she saw a man about the same age as Anya with a black horse.

"Agent Jack Duncan." the man had a Scottish accent, "You must be Anya, yes?"

Anya nodded looking directly at his dark brown eyes, "Did grandpa tell you we were coming, Agent?"

"Director Fury did warn me about you being straight to the point…" Jack smiles, "Any who, if you'd kindly follow me."

Anya and her parents followed Jack to a cabin in the woods. "Talk about your puns." Anya breathed, "God, Louna will have a field day…"

The cabin was relatively spacious with all high-tech weaponry. "Cool!" Anya looked at the touch screen monitor. "Grandpa really thought of everything, didn't he? Is that a fingerprint scanner for the monitor?"

Natasha smiled at her daughter's amusement.

Anya scanned her thumbprint and the monitor turned on to Maria Hill's face.

"Hello Anya," Maria greeted, "I assumed you are in this Cabin because of a mission. If that is so, have them state their names… to see if they're cleared…"

Anya looks at her parents. Natasha sighs, "Agent Natasha Romanoff Rogers."

Followed by Steve, "Captain Steve Rogers."

"They are not cleared." Maria simply stated.

Anya smirks, as her mother begun to get angry, "How are you cleared and we are not?!"

Anya turns to her mother and said in a gentle voice, "I'm sorry, mom, but it seems I'm gonna need to ask you and dad to get out for a moment, so that Aunt Maria can debrief me…"

Natasha looked completely appalled at her daughter's request. Steve, on the other hand, understood and grabbed his wife's arm; taking her outside.

Anya was grateful but at the same time disgusted. "Now, Anya," Maria continues, "I assume you know that  Hydra's recuperating, which is why your here… Anyways, Fury wants you to go to the Glen Affric, there you will have to take down a Hydra base," A cupboard open, it was spilling with different kinds of weaponry, "Fury wanted this base to be equip with weapons. Pick as much as you need."

Anya picked up a bow and arrow, "Thank you, grandpa!" She, then, picked up a few more items such as a shield, a pair of earpiece, a laser pen, smoke bombs, and packed it all in her backpack. "Let's move out!" Anya instructed as she got out. The map, which Anya still can't read, was given to Natasha.

In St. Petersburg, Louna, Melinda, and Phil walked the streets aimlessly, looking for Hydra's HQ. Louna had the map, "We go left!"

"Are you sure?" Melinda questioned, "Left is a dead end!"

"Don't…" Louna shook her head, "don't mistake me for Anya; the girl can do almost anything but read maps. I can read maps."

"Okay then." Phil nodded, as the three walked in an abandoned hospital to the left.

"Hydra…" Louna whispers, "ok ready?"

Both older agents nodded guns at hand, while Louna held her staff. They barged in and started shooting, then Louna stops, she is reminded of Anya's rule of "only killing if absolutely necessary." Louna sighed and placed her staff up she then controlled both her companions and their enemies. "Enough!" she orders and everyone unwillingly drops their weapons.

Melinda looked at Phil confused. "I am so sorry, but the sudden conscience is not helping…" Melinda sighs.

"Yeah, a conscience name, Anya." Louna walks towards the control panel and pressed the selfdestruct button. She then takes everyone out of the building and calls the cops.

"Wait!" Phil called back once the cops arrived, "Did you just say that Anya— Anya Rogers— is your conscience?! How is that possible?!"

"She's everyone's conscience." Louna replied, "She has a rule only kill when absolutely necessary. So everyone hears that undeniably irritating voice that says not to kill."

"Romanoff?" Melinda asked, "She has red in her ledger, does Anya's rule apply to her?"

"Yes, it does." Louna sighs, "It most definitely does."

Mean while in Hong Kong, Tony, Kelly, and Mary walking downtown.

Kelly looks up from the map to see a familiar face; Elias, her ex. "Oh shit." Kelly whispers to herself.

Tony looks at his older daughter, "What?"

Mary followed her sister's gaze that landed on Elias, who was talking to people. "Oh." Mary sighs.

"Yeah…" Kelly nodded. "I need to change…"

"What why?" Tony questions, "You look fine."

Mary clears her throat, "Dad, that guy is her ex…"

"So? They broke up, there has to be a reason, right Kelly?"

Kelly breathed out, "He dumped me, dad." Kelly walks away, "I really need to talk to mom."

Kelly, then, bumps into something and fell on the floor, a hand reaches out to help her. "I'm so sorry, Kelly."

That voice, Kelly thought, so familiar … No! As she was pulled up to her feet she found herself starring at a pair of brown eyes. "Hi!" she laughs nervously. She quickly retracts her hand which he still was holding, "Fancy seeing you here, Elias."

Elias frowns, "How's the family?"

"They're good." Kelly couldn't seem to walk away and she wanted to. "Uh… how's yours?"

"Good." Elias missed Kelly, "Well, I gotta run…" Elias tore himself away from Kelly, "but how long are you staying for?"

"I don't know," Kelly admitted, "mission."

"Oh okay…" was his last words before he left.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Kelly walking back to where she left her father and sister, "What just happened?"

Mary smirks, "The spark is still there?"

"So where are we going?" Tony asked gesturing to the map in Kelly's hand.

"Oh… um… we go left." Kelly snaps back into reality.

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