He Could Honestly...

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Cassandra Eleanor Lang wasn't one to swoon over a random guy; so why did she feel like she was floating? She smiled just thinking about him. His eyes were glowing purple. Cassie found it difficult to concentrate on her papers as the cafe began to fill up.

The man made his way towards her, he was wearing a business suit. "Hi mind if I sit?"

Cassie sighs, "It's a free country…"

"My name is Harry, I've seen you around here."

Cassie put the papers down, "Harry, is it? Well, Harry, if you didn't know I am Attorney Cassandra Lang, and I am very busy studying a very important case."

Harry smiles, "Oh I know, you are studying Black Widow's case, right? Is she really getting deported?"

"Mr. Harry!" Cassie irritated, "This is client-attorney-privilage. Even if it wasn't, I would never discuss it with a stranger, such as yourself. This is not a public matter, it is a family matter."

Harry sighs, "It is a national matter, Black Widow is a Hero…"

"Yes, she is." Cassandra brought out her phone and showed an image to Harry, "But she's also a mother. That girl, right there, is her only daughter. Anya will be the most affected if the news comes out about her mother's deportation. And as her friend and honorary cousin, I will not allow her to be hurt."

As Harry left, he turns back and left his number on the table, "If you ever need to talk to someone about anything, call, I'll give you family and friends discount."

Cassie was speechless as Harry walked away and realized that he was indeed a behavioral therapist, from New England.

"Could he be the one?" Cassie asked herself and shook her head silently scolding herself for even thinking about it.

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