It hurt

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It hurt.

The whole world cried, it lost four strong, smart young women…

It hurt.

The event was televized and was known as an international tragedy.

It hurt.

Natasha and Steve sat in the front row with Tony, Pepper, and Loki.

It hurt.

Hela searched high and low at Valhala for her niece but she has not shown up.

It hurt.

Peter had lost his sister— the one he swore to protect.

It hurt.

There wasn't even a body to bury…

It hurt.

As empty caskets were lowered six feet to the ground, Cassie couldn't shake the feeling that her cousins were alive.

Walking towards the bar, she found Tony drinking his sorrows away. Cassie knew better than to interrupt a drunk and hurt Tony; but the aching feeling was gnawing on her throat. It had to come out.

"How could you be sure that they're dead?" Cassie blurted out.

Tony looks at the woman standing at the doorway and then brushed her off.

Cassie came closer, the stench of alcohol surrounded her uncle, "I'm serious, Uncle Tony! Is there a way that they could've survived?"

"I wish they did, kid." Tony admitted. "I really wish they did!" he sobbed.

Cassie sighs as she walks towards the lab.

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