Chapter 27

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"August. I don't know. I mean." I stopped sighed.

"Carter, I know ya' have ta' think about it first but just listen, If you move in ya' can have the guest bedroom an' I promise there will be no sexual contact between us. Just move in so we can raise, Amani togetha'." I looked at Amani and watched her sleep with her pacifier in her mouth I smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, but what about my house?" He looked at me and smirked."What did you do?"

"Okay so why ya' were out hea' I had some mova's move ya' stuff ta' my place an' I rented out ya' place so now that is ya' get away spot an' ya' will be livin' with me."

"You sneaky, bastard." I laughed and he did to."August we are leaving around 6 so make sure you are ready." He nodded his head and I picked up a sleeping Amani. This house was now are permanent house because this is where are photo shoots are going to be from now on. August still wants me to be his personal model for whenever he takes pictures, so this should be fun.

🌆At L.A🌆


I woke up under August, sleep in my bed, I checked the time and it was only 4:39 the time differences between New Jersey and California had my sleep all fucked up. I got out of August embrace and went to check on Amani she was still sleep, so I went to make breakfast, Im starting to get used to his house now I only get lost once now. Lol. I made hash browns and a omlet and some orange juice, I sat it on the table and went to wake up August.


I felt someone straddle me but I could have sworn I was sleepin' soon I felt soft kisses on my neck trailing down to my chest and lower stomach. My eyes shot open and I saw Carter and her curly hair covering her face. She sat up and came face to face with me, I moved her hair out her face and she smiled at me.

"I thought ya' said we agreed on no sexual content, as long as ya' stay hea'?"

"Well I tried to wake you, but your a heavy sleeper, and you wouldn't wake up so I tried another method." she said smiling in my face.

"Carter, just be with me already, I promise I will neva' cheat on ya', I love ya'." She looked at me then looked down at her nails.

"Come on, your food is getting cold." She got up and turned to the door I smacked her ass and she jumped.

"️August, that hurts." She said rubbing her butt and walking out.

"Come hea' I'll rub it fo' ya'."

"Fuck you, August." She yelled.

"That's how we made Amani, babeh girl."

Mrs. Alsina {August Alsina}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu