Chapter 46

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August opened the door and we walked in we were at the local Denny's and we stood in line to be seated. I set one hand on my small baby bump and looked at August, he was talking to Amani about her classmates and what she does in class. We got to the front and the guy looked at me and August.

"Welcome to Denny's." He said I smiled and August looked at him.

"We would like a table." He said he nodded and guided us to the table he set out menus in front of us and asked us what we would like to drink.

"Sprite please." Amani said nicely.

"Water." I said August got the same and we sat there in silence as Amani colored her picture she got.

"So do ya' know what we our havin'?" I sighed and set my hands in my lap holding my lower stomach.

"Not yet I have to wait 2 more months to find out." I said he nodded and looked out the window. God I just want to leave and be laid up with Noah for the rest of the day, and not be bothered by anyone well besides Amani, and Noah. I looked down and my phone was ringing, I looked at the screen and it was the doctor."hello?"

"Yes is this Carter?"


"We have you and Amani's test results for the possibility of you guys having AIDS. Yes it seems that you are ad your fetus is clear and as far as Amani....she is also clear." I sighed.

"Oh my god thank you so much." I said making August look at me. I held my chest hearing the happy news that I just received, me and my baby is clean.

"No problem, see you later for your check up." He said.

"Okay bye." I said hanging up. I set my phone back into my purse.

"What happened?"

"We're clean. We don't have AIDS." I said.

"Thank God." He said.


We walked in the ice cream parlor and Amani ran to the front looking at all the flavors, I walked up behind her and my mouth started watering. Fuck these cravings. I stood back and watched as Amani told the guy what flavors she wanted.

"You can get somethin' to of ya' want." August said from behind me.

"I got this." I said looking at the flavors. I got a salted caramel ice cream with gummy bears and extra caramel on it.

"5.07." The guy said I nodded and gave him a 10, I took my ice cream and gave Amani hers, and walked to the seats, I looked over and August was talking to the guy I saw him give the money back to August and he paid for it and came back with a smile and a cookie in his hand.

"Hea' ya' go." He said handing me my money back.

"Really?" I said raising my eyebrows and scrunching my lips up.

"Yea'." He said looking at Amani make a mess. I scuffed and set the money back in my wallet."I had it." I mumbled I noticed him smirking then he started cleaning Amani up.


We got home and August was carrying Amani while she dangled on his shoulder, I opened the door and he walked in laying Amani on the bed, he took her shoes and pants off and set her under the covers. He gave her a kiss and whispered I love you to her and walked out, I walked behind him closing the door, and I was being pulled by August.

"What are you doing?!?" I said as he pinned my hands up in the walls.

"I miss ya' so much Carter. Please fagive me?" He said setting his forehead on mine while looking down he lifted up my shirt slightly and set his hands on my small baby bump, I shivered at his touch making him smirk.

"August no. I can't go back to a lying cheater who doesn't want to be with me and knock other woman up." I said he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. He pulled away from me and stepped back. I pulled my shirt down and looked at him.

"Damn it Carter. It was a mistake-."

"So you putting your penis in a woman's vagina is a mistake. Flying states and states away just to fuck her is a mistake, having a baby with her was a mistake?" I scuffed."shit sounds to me like it was planned." I said setting one hand on my hip."you know what I'm not going there with you that's stress and I don't need that right now, I'm pregnant." I said holding my hands up and walking to my room."you know where the door is." I said sitting down taking off my shoes not looking at August, from the side of my eye I saw him standing in the door frame and then he turned around, I sighed and heard the front door close, then sooner his car screeching driving off. I lugged and walked to my bathroom about to get ready for this bawm ass bath I was about to take.

Mrs. Alsina {August Alsina}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα