Chapter 14

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I walked in the hospital room where Tristan was and saw her sleeping on the hospital bed. I wanted to tell her that it was over but I can't now because she is in the hospital and how would you feel if someone broke up with you and you just got in a accident, shit I would feel horrible. I walked over to her bed and sat there. I thought about last night what Carter and I shared it was something special and I would always remember it especially waking up to her smile, her long curly hair in her face, her soft smooth skin and her warm touch, and her smile and soft lips, that's something not to forget, I think I am in love with this girl."August." I was snapped out my thoughts by Tristan waking up and trying to sit up.

"Hey babe girl how are ya holdin up?"

"I feel horrible and I want to go home and just sleep in my own bed." she said crossing her arms.

"Don't worry you will be out in no time but fa now just relax."

"I can't relax August with these damn needles stuck in my skin!" She semi yelled I sighed the grabbed her hand I kissed her forehead and looked at her.

"That's the least of your worries right now." I said I got up and walked out the room I took the elevator down to the lobby and I walked out the hospital. As soon as I got in the car my phone started ringing.


"August where have you been I missed you." I looked at the caller ID and it read Britt. I sighed and put my phone back up to my ear.

"Hey Britt um we need ta talk."

"Oh okay about what?" she asked in curiosity.

"Um this needs ta be said face to face not through the phone because it doesn't feel right."

"Okay well you know where I live so come stop by."

"Okay I'll be there in a bit." I said, I hung up before she could speak. I drove out the hospital parking lot and drove down the freeway. I turned on my radio to ease my thoughts and before I knew it I was already in front if Britt's house, before I went in I checked my phone and haven't got a text from Carter I sighed and locked my phone. I opened my door and got out I closed my door then locked my car, as soon as I turned around I felt someone put there hands around my neck and kissing my face I saw it was Britt then I unraveled her arms from around me then walked into her house I sat on the sofa and she came in and closed the door.

"Britt I need to let ya go as in stop talkin to ya."

"What why we have so much fun together." she walked over to me and set her hand in my leg.

"I know it's just that I think I found the right one ya know." she moved her hand and looked down.

"Yeah." I picked her head up with my pointing finger and looked into her eyes.

"Don't be sad shawty we can still be friends."

"Yeah, but before you go can we have one little quickie?" She said looking at me.

".....Fine." I got up and followed her to her bedroom.


I walked into my office and looked over my folders that was piled up on my desk I looked into them and saw one that said Carter's name on it. If some of you don't know I'm Carter's manager/Bestfriend but anyways I started going over the papers and my eyes widen. I picked up the phone and called Carter, the phone went straight to voicemail so I called again.


"Carter I have some big news fo-."

"Gatcha,Sorry if I didn't answer the phone, leave a message and I will surly get back at you." The voicemail said I grew frustrated and just sat my phone down. I looked at the time and it was only 2:09. I guess after work I'm going to pay a visit at Carter's I thought to myself.

{Trey Songz}

I woke up with a killer headache so I got up and got some aspirin out the cabinet and made me some coffee I looked around the house and saw it was a mess then I seen some half naked girl on my couch then it all came back to me from the guys coming over and making Carter jealous to Carter leaving, to be honest I didn't think it would go that far but it did hopefully I can win her back before it's to late. I kicked the girl out my house and started cleaning up. When I was done I took a shower and got dressed then headed over to Abre's office.


I knocked on Abre's door and she answered.

"Oh damn you have some nerve to come up here."

"I know I know and before you start giving me a whole lecture I just wanna say that I fucked up and I'm sorry."

"Oh don't say sorry to me, you hurt ma girl Carter you should be apologizing to her."

"Yeah I know that's why I came down here so you can take me to her place so I can fix this." She looked at me debating on wether she was going to do it or not.

"Fine, but only because I need to go over there and check in her."

"Why what happened?"

"I don't know she is just not answering her phone I tried to contact her all day."

I looked down and looked back up at Abre.

"Come on let's go." I said standing up.

"Okay hold up let me just collect my things then we can go by there."


I was discharged from the hospital but the only thing that kept replaying in my head was when August said "that's the least of your worries right now." what did he mean I was so confused. when I got home I laid in bed and texted August I heard ringing then it went to voicemail. I sighed then put my phone on the charger then fell to sleep.

Mrs. Alsina {August Alsina}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz