Chapter 37

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Made some changes but it's all good. ✊🏽❤️


I walked down the halls of are new house as Amani was sleep on her new bed, I examined the whole house as the sun arouse it was 9:33 in the morning, we barley got here around 4. Have you ever had that feeling when you know something is about to happen or go wrong?well I feel that and it's been that way since August left, I haven't heard from him since he left even though it's only been one day, he should still call and check up on us. I walked to the kitchen and got a glass cup and closed the cabinets and opened the fridge to get some orange juice, I connected my lips with the cup and sipped a little juice and set it back down, I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the large kitchen I was standing in. I felt my stomach churn and a rush coming up my throat, I set my hand over my mouth and closed my eyes, it went away and I turned around and took another sip from my juice. I finished it and set it in the sink and walked back to my room, I stopped and checked on Amani, before going to my room, she turned in her sleep and settled down, I smiled and closed her door slightly leaving it open, I wonder where August is right now, probably doing a show or sleeping. I giggled at the thought of him snoring and spread out all over the bed, I sat in our now empty bed with white bed sheets and comforter covering the top. I grabbed my phone and dialed a number. I just want to see him once more before these long months blow by. The phone ringed and soon I heard his croaky voice on the phone, I giggled.

"Hey Joe." I said talking to August manager.

"You realize it's 6:50 and you are calling me, preventing me from getting my beauty/ manly sleep." He said. I giggled again.

"Yea, yea, yea, I'm sorry I'm just calling because I want to know where you guys are and I want to come and surprise August." I said biting my lip.

"What are you talking about he doesn't start this tour till next month." He said, my heart jumped out my chest when once those words left his mouth.

"Your kidding right please tell me you are?" I said standing up setting my hand on my hip.

"It's 6 going on 7 in the morning why would I kid, all I'm trying to do is get you off the phone so I can get the 2 hours of sleep I have left."

"Okay, thanks for the update Joe, sorry to bother you I forgot the time difference we have, Have a good sleep." I said.

"Okay bye." He said and hung up, I knew something was up, I set my phone on the bed. Is August cheating on me again? I need to make sure before I assume things. I grabbed my phone and dialed another number. It rang and she picked up.

"Hello?" She said tiredly.

"Hey you still live in Miami?" I said.

"Yea same place and address,girl wassup?"

"A whole lot, but I need your help? Can you track phones still?"

"Yea girl, you know I do. I caught my brothers, cousins, ex wife sleeping with another man before their engagement party." I chuckled at her stories. She used to always call me and tell me who she caught on the act, or what she learned about hacking phones.

"Alright I'll be there in a few." I said hanging up, I stuck my phone in my sweat pants pocket and grabbed my keys off the vanity, I sipped on my shoes and made sure they were tight, I walked out my room fast and down the hall into Amani's room, I turned on her light and grabbed her jacket, and her ugg boots and came to her side, and picked her up she started whining while her eyes was still closed, I set her on my lap and put her leggings on and her ugg mini boots on, then I set her jacket on her and put her hair in a ponytail, she kept whining till I was done, I set her in my shoulder and she fell back to sleep. I carried her to the car and set her in her car seat, I closed the door and went to lock the house, I came back and opened my door and started the engine. I turned on the heater and backed out the drive way. I hope August is not doing anything he will regret, because once he sees me and he is doing something stupid, all hell is breaking loose. I looked in the rear view mirror back at Amani and she was sleep sucking her thumb, I came to a red light and reached behind me and pulled her thumb out her mouth and stuck a pacifier in her mouth, it helps get rid of the whole sucking her thumb habit, I sped off once the light turned green and made my way to Alesha's house, I parked in her drive way and got out, I grabbed Amani and walked up to the door. I rang it and heard yelling till a small little boy answered the door.

Mrs. Alsina {August Alsina}Where stories live. Discover now