Chapter 15

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It's been 2months since I've talked to anyone, and as of my job I still have it, it's just I go in on different times and Max keeps it on the low because I begged him to. Abre and Trey came over but I didn't feel like talking to anyone they left tons of messages on my phone, but I just shut my phone off August has tried to reach out to me but I ignored him to. I feel horrible everyday knowing that I am blocking everyone away from my life. So today was the day I go to Abre's office and talk to her. I got out the shower and put on my black panties and bra then I lotion my body and put on my daily outfit. Once I was done I straighten my hair and parted it down the middle. I got my keys and locked my house I walked down the hallway and bumped into August. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"August." He just looked at me.

"What happen to ya Carter if you didn't want ta go out with me then you should have said so.

"No August believe me I want to it's just your with Tristan and I was with Trey an-." August cut me off and shook his head.

"What no I broke up with Tristan for you."

"That's past the fact that I had sex with you when you and her was going out." He looked at me and sighed I looked down at my fingers and he lifted my chin up with his index finger.

"Carter I love you no I'm in love with you but are you in love with me?"

"Yes I am it's just u feel like a hoe."

"But your not." August kissed me and wrapped his hands around my waist.I thought about what happen yesterday and hugged August even tighter.

"I have to go, I'll call you later ok." He nodded his head and I got on the elevator with him once we got to the parking lot we kissed goodbye and parted separate ways.

I rang Abre's doorbell and waited for an answer I heard shuffling on the other side of the door and heard the locks unlock it opened and Jay was standing there.

"Hey stranger!"

"Me, the stranger, your the one avoiding me." We laughed them he shook his head."where is Abre at?"

"Upstairs." he let me in and I went upstairs. I knocked to make sure she was decent then went in.

"Carter what the fuck, where have you been these two months?" She said crossing her robe over her chest and crossing her arms.

"I-I've been sick."

"Bullshit, I know damn well you weren't sick. I've known you for a good 19 years and I know when you are sick you don't just block the world out." I looked at her and sighed I sat on her bed and looked down, debating on should I tell her or not."Carter what is it, just tell me I won't judge you we have been best friends forever you could tell me anything."

"Well August and I had sex." She smiled and jumped on me.

"I knew it that's why you were gone. Wow Carter."

"That's not all." I said she stopped talking and looked at me.

"What else."

"Well after he left I made breakfast because I was hungry but then once I ate I threw up and it wouldn't stop till like a hour later, so after I was done I went to my doctor Mrs.B and found out that I'm Pregnant and Max knows because I had to tell him so he could understand what u was going through he said this would be good for the shoot, it would make it look more ferocious and timid." She gasped and her eyes widen.

"Carter OH MY GOSH, Bitch I'm going to be a auntie." she smiled and set her hand on my stomach. "How far along are you?"

"I'm 2 months about to be 3 in May."

"Have you told August?"

"No." I said lowly.

"Girl you have to tell him."

"I will when the time is right."

"Okay but I have news for you."

"What is it?"

"Well I tried to come over and tell you but you wouldn't open the door."


"It's all good but I walked into my office and saw this file that had your name on it and come to find out that New Jersey's Finest wants you to model for them they said that they will pay for everything and they also want you to stay out there for at least 7 months."

"Abre I cant."

"Awe why not that's a vacation for both of us."

"Have you forgotten that I'm pregnant and I'm not having my baby in New Jersy."

"But look on the bright side this could make a whole turn in your future and your baby's future."

"But I'm also leaving everything behind."

"Like what August." I froze and thought about what she just said all in all it was true if I do leave what will August do. Does he even want this baby am I ready for this baby.

"Exactly, Carter if August really love you he would support you and let you go." I was silent the. Nodded my head.

"Your right, Fine all do it." She smiled and sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"So thought of any baby names yet?" I smiled and shook my head.

Mrs. Alsina {August Alsina}Where stories live. Discover now