Chapter 19

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*4 months later*

Well let me fill you in I moved to New Jersey with Abre and it's amazing, Well I didn't permanently move but you know what I mean. I'm still modeling, and I'm now 6 months pregnant August still doesn't know and I really could care less. I heard that he is engaged with Britt now I was hurt when I found out but I got over it. I made a new friend and he is gay but I love him his name is Raymond and he is my hair stylist.

"Carter come on we're going to be late." Abre yelled from down stairs. I waddled out my room and walking down the stairs. "Oh my gosh I should just call and reschedule because the paste your going down them stair, Oh Jesus." I got to the bottom step and flipped her of. " Love you too." Abre closed and locked the door, we were on are way to a meeting to confessing what my next move would be. I looked down and got a message from a unknown number.

(760)698-6996: your pregnant congratulations can't wait to see you it's been a while hopefully we can catch up.

Me: who is this

(760)698-6996: you will see very soon

I seen the last text then turned off my phone I looked up and saw that we were pulling up to the building. Once we parked I got out and so did Abre we walked through the double doors and greeted by the front desk lady Ashley. We went to the elevator and pressed the button to take us to the fifth floor we got there and went straight to the Office which was huge the only thing in there was a huge silver rectangular table and roller chair at every end and people sitting there I noticed a guy with glasses on I didn't get to look at him clearly because Abre kept talking and dragging me to my seat.

"Is Raymond coming?" I whispered into Abre's ear.

"Yeah he should be hear." she said checking her watch she pointed to the door and he came right in. He set his hand on Abre's shoulder and he kissed my cheek I smiled and he sat on my right side everyone was engaged in their own conversation till the meeting start.

"So how is my baby doing." Ray said setting one hand in my belly and crossing his leg over the other.

"She is moving way to much and my feet hurt but I can deal." I said moving his hand.

"Why were you so late?" Abre said looking at Ray and I turned and looked at him as well.

"Eww don't get me started, ok, to late so I was getting my nails done then some bitch bumped me and we had a huge argument, then I remembered that Jesus was with me." We busted into laughter but soon died down because it was time that we got this meeting adjured. They started talking and I get that someone was watching me but I shook it off and zoned out but brought right back when Ray nudged my arm.

"Ouch hoe, what." I looked up and saw a picture of me, and Abre talking about me.

"And as you can see that she is pregnant and if you ask me it will make loads of publicity and she will be the talk of the world plus it will look good on your part on the magazine." She said leaning over the table with both hand on the table and she was looking the president and CEO of the company.

"And what about my client." We looked at another girl that was also here,and my eyes landed on the guy that was leaning back in his chair he smiled and sat up.

"What about him." Abre snapped

"Well he is a singer and all,and I just thought it would be fine if she would be interested in modeling and also being my clients personal model for when he takes pictures so he doesn't have to always go out and choose because that is just a waist of time." She said propping her elbows on the table and clinging her hands together. I shook my head and she nodded.

"No that is not happening at all." She leaned over and the guy whispered in her ear and she nodded.

"My client said if you say yes to this you will get at least 9 hundred thousand a month." My mouth dropped I heard Ray choke on his water then I looked at Abre then pointed to my belly. She nodded and cleared her throat.

"Okay that seems legit it's just does your client know that sh-." she was cut off.

"That she was pregnant yes we know." I looked over at Ray and he was painting his nails and laughing to himself ,I don't even know why he even comes if he doesn't do anything. I laughed to myself and set a hand on my stomach then looked at Abre and nodded my head.

"Alrighty then we will take the offer." I seen the guy smiled then sat up his sweater moved and I saw A on his low neck then it hit me. Fuckin August set this whole thing up.

"Ray help me up." He nodded and set his filler in his little bag then grabbed my hands I stood up and walked out the room I got on the elevator pressed lobby, the doors was about to close but August slipped through.

"Hey Carter it's good seein' ya."

"Wish I could say the same." I said crossing my arms. He stopped the elevator and I looked at him like he had two heads."August stop playing and turn it on so I can go home and lay down because my feet hurt like a bitch."

"Na' we need ta' talk an' I know you won' talk to me so this is ma' only option right na'."

"You have 1 minute then I'm calling for help."

"Okay let's cut the bullshit I know you still love me."

"No I don't and oh yea congrats on the engagement."

"Carter ya' makin' this hard on the both of us so how come ya' just won't admit that ya' still have feelin's fo' me, because Carter I never stopped lovin you."

"Well to late now because your engaged and have a kid on the way I don't have feelings for someone who cheated on me ."

"I know." he looked down then back up at me. "Can we start ova?"

"No." I said looking at the metal against the elevator walls.

"Look I'm not gon' leave ya' alone till I know that we both are on good terms an' plus ya gon' have to get ova it sonna' or lata'."

"August I'm not going to get over the fact that my boyfriend cheated on me and got some hoe pregnant when you were with me, for all I know she could have something and she could have gave it to you and you could have passed it to me, and this baby."

"Carter I was careful an' I know that I was wrong, but listen ta ya, ya know ya still care about me." I looked down and a smile creeped on the side of my face.

"So how many months are ya?" I looked down and forgot all about that I was pregnant.

"6 months about to be 7 next week."

"So ya know whatcha havin?"

"Yea I'm having a girl."

"Oh coo." He said trying to change the subject.

"Yup but what bout you what you and Britt having?"

"A girl."

"Oh ok well congrats again." I said pressing the elevator button so we can go down.

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