Chapter 25 ~ Love me back

Start from the beginning

I walked out of the door towards the car.
"Driver, can you remove the suitcase?"
"Why mam?"
"Because I don't need it. There aren't any belonings of me in there."
"Oh okay, as you wish mam."

He took the suitcase out of the car afterwhich he opened the passengers door for me. I glanced at the mansion for a last time. His grandmother was standing on the balcony. I saw pain in her eyes. I waved at her but she didn't wave back. Instead she murmered "don't go Jasmine."

I smiled. I didn't want to go but he didn't leave me any other choice. By now Zayn, James and Sara were both standing at the door.

"Driver get her away, quick!" Sara yelled.
The anger build up inside of me. Control Jasmine control. I glanced at Zayn for a last time to see any kind of regret. Nothing. His gaze was all empty.

I gave him and James a last painful smile. Okay, get in the car Jasmine.

I got into the car and the driver drove the car out of the driveway.

~~Zayn POV~~

I looked at the car as it faded away in the distance. She left. I lost her. F*ck me, f*ck me.

I recalled the sentece that she said earlier.

I thought that you loved me. I guess I was wrong.

You weren't wrong my love. I love you more than anyone else on this cruel earth. But I can't. I just can't keep you with me.

Until now I haven't give you anything, but pain.
It's better that we seperate from each other. You deserve to be loved. You deserve a happy life, which I can not give you.

"Ughh that damn bitch is gone!" Something snapped in me when Sara said that.
In a reflex I slapped her right across her face.

"Never, I repeat never ever try to insult Jasmine again. You are the bitch here. You get me Sara!"
"Cut the crap you bitch! Get out of my sight before I do something to you."

She was holding her cheek, which was all red now.

"Zayn why do you hurt me for a her? Why? Am I nothing to you?!" She screamed.

I laughed sinisterly. "You are indeed nothing to me. Just a useles woman I have saved a few years ago when you were being raped."

"Don't lie to me Zayn you love me! And I'm sure you want to marry me!"
"Yeah sure. I'd rather marry a dog than being with you. Being in the same room with you makes me miserable let alone loving you and marrying you."

"Stop it! Don't you lie to me Zayn!" She said as she grabbed my arms.
I was losing my temper now. Control yourself Zayn before you smash her head. I pushed her away.

"James get her filthy face out of my sight. Pay for her living and don't let her appear infront of me again."

"Yes boss."
"No! No! Let go of me!" She was struggeling, but James was way too strong for her.

"Ughh." I sighed while I walked upstairs to my room. As I entered the room, the smell of Jasmine entered my nose. Her beautiful smell. I went towards the bed laying there with her pillow in my arms. Her beautiful odor was still there. This odor will vanish as well, just like she left me.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm really sorry. I swear I wanted to keep you close to me. Being away from you for a split second makes me go crazy. In order to make you leave I had to be mean. Crazy Zayn, you are talking to yourself now." I chuckled bitterly.

Look what she made out of you. She has had such a big impact on me. She made me wanna be a normal human again. At the same time she would wake up the devil inside of me.

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