"Yes you are Keyshia. Make it happen." She looked at me sternly.

"Mhmm, wateva. Bye hoe." I sucked my teeth.

"See you soon." She blew me a kiss before I hung up.

I looked at my phone to see it was time to leave for the hell hole we all call school or in my case, college.

"Let's go bih." Oniks pulled me off the stool.

"Damn, strong ass." I laughed, holding on to my phone.

"Last day before Thanksgiving break. Let's get this shit over with." She huffed as I followed her out the door.

University of Los Angeles
2:03 pm

Chris bean head ass been staring at me all damn day. "Umm, may I help you? Stop fuckin' starin at me." I snapped standing up from my seat.

The shits irritating.

"Keyshia." The professor looked at me.

"Wat?" I continued to look at Chris causing him to smirk.

"Please sit down and watch your language." She stated sternly.

"Bitch please." I put my hand up, motioning for her to stop talking to me.

"Dean now." She pointed to the door.

"Fine by me." I grabbed my purse off the desk making sure I slammed the door behind me.

"What are you in here for now?" The principal ran his hands down his face as I appeared in the office doorway.

"Yo employee was being a lil bitch." I shrugged staring at my nails.

"Uh, I wish I could expell you. You better be glad you're a straight A student.. And I really couldn't if I wanted to, you're mom is the reason, her ass is psycho. And the apple don't fall far from the tree." He shook his head.

"Eh." I smirked.

"Stay your bad ass in here until your next major start." He pointed at me.

"Stay in here? This isn't high school." I smacked my lips.

"Then stop acting like it " he scoffed.

I grabbed my pen to finish the work she gave.

Ace of Diamonds
8:18 pm
Los Angeles

"Well this is one awkward ass meeting today." Chyna tried to make conversation after more plans were put into action.

"Yea, just like my so called relationship. Can't be trust a fuckboy that's fo sho." I sucked my teeth before eating my MCDouble. Y'all just don't know how good this burger was with these fries.

"Damn, where that shit come from?" Chris stared at me.

"It came from up yo stank ass cause you full of shit." I spat.

"What we not bout to do is argue over some petty shit." He glared at me.

"Mhmm, well I'm Petty LaBelle. So wassup." I tilted my head at his response.

"You starting shit for no fucking reason bro." Chris stood up from the couch.

"And you flirted witcho ex hoe for no reason. When you had a girlfriend. So why do we start shit for no reason is the question." I laughed finishing up my food.

"Had? Bitch you still mine." He frowned grabbing my face.

"That's what you think." I lightly slapped his cheek before getting out his grip and leaving the room.

Nicki's House
Los Angeles
10:43 pm

"You petty as fuck. You really gone give him a hard time for just talking to his ex. He didn't cheat on you, girl." Nicki sat next to me.

"You don't know that. I told the nigga I had trust issues before we got together. Look what his ass turn around and do."

"You know, your ass shouldn't be like that. His ass low key hurting because of this. But it's your relationship, it's all you." She replied.

"Yea, I know. And I'll talk to him. Just not today." I explained.

"Yea, I feel you." Nicki rubbed my back.

"But until then I'ma cuss his ass out one good time." I replied causing her to look at me with wide eyes.

"No, you are going to be cool." She rubbed my shoulders trying to calm me.

"Fuck that, his ass got the nerve to keep staring at me. Like nigga you kno wat the fuck I'm pissed for, don't keep looking for a argument. I fucking hate bein stared at." I huffed trying to calm myself.

"Yea, but there's no need to argue in public. Y'all don't need people knowing that the both of you going through a phase."

"Mhmm, you right." I agreed.

I looked at her, "What?" She questioned.

I shrugged. "I kinda already cussed him out in class today." I chuckled causing her to slap my arm.

"You're terrible."

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