Chapter 31

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years later...

After completing high school. I have been working my ass off going to school, work and studying with Katelyn behind my back but I had to do what i had to do and  I have to provide somehow and I haven't heard from Selena ever since. My grandmother has gotten weak but still is a strong women and I have decided to go back to my home town 6 months ago and I haven't seen or talked to anyone but they know i'm back because Blue and Amanda decided to study at the same school and it was out of our province and I live by myself with Katelyn alone, sometimes I get scared but uncle Sam choose the safest place and Dave is coming over and we going to the play ground and I'm not scared anymore and I'm a qualified phycologists and next year I'm finishing my teaching course. I choose psychology because I have been through a lot and I think I'll be able to reach out to some people and get through to them, some days are tough and I sometimes feel like giving up but I have Matt and Dave by my side and Matt is only coming next year permanently and I have moved on from Craig although sometimes I miss him but I think I'm good and I don't need any man in my life.

"Mommy what are you going to wear?" Katelyn asks and she was walking naked and we have the most unbreakable bond ever

"I don't know my baby, why?" I asked while packing some food

"Because I want us to have matching outfits like the show I watched yesterday" she said while sulking

"Let's go look" and i took her hand and we went to look for some matching clothes and we wore some mermaid dresses. hers was purple with her favourite cartoon and mine was plain black with some block heels. I tied my natural hair into a bun and her hair was brown and curly but still beautiful and I think her dad is coloured because of the hair and her skin but she looks beautiful and we took some pictures while waiting for Dave.

"Mommy, why don't I have a daddy?" She asked for the first time and I really didn't know how to answer because the last time I was prepared and I would lie to her but all my lies just faded into thin air

"Uh why do you ask?" I was really curious "is Mommy's love not enough?" I asked again while switching off the television because this was a very serious conversation

"It's not that but all my friends have them and I was just wondering" her voice was low and kinda sad but to be honest she wished she had one so that he could carry her and spin her just like her friends but wished that it wouldn't change between her and her mother

"I'll tell you when you 16 years old but I love you okay?" I was being honest, I have to tell her everything when she's old enough to understand and she nodded giving me a hug.

"When is Daddy D coming, he's taking his time" I laughed at the name and Dave insisted that he be called like since I can be called Mommy and there was a knock on the door and it was Dave "Daddy D" she ran to him and they hugged

"Now we can go" and I took all the necessary things and  locked then left. "Change that music please" I don't like hip hop

"But Katey is singing along so it two against one, right Kate?" He said to Katelyn and she didn't want to keep eye contact and nodded  and they laughed and we packed and got in. We went to all this kind of slides and we really enjoyed our self. It was around 4:39 pm already and they were closing around 9 

"You staying the night right?" I asked Dave and he nodded and I was just sitting there tired and regret why the heels

"I'm going to the tornado" Dave said "Katelyn you joining?" While smirking trying to drive me crazy I see.

"You want to kill my baby, No you go and we will get some ice cream. I said and we went to the ice cream station and Dave went to his tornado ride but I think she saw someone and is trying to attract them with my cute baby because he always does that.

" wait here Mommy is going to the toilet" the line was too long and I had to use the bathroom and I just went and did my stuff and came back talking to some kids.

"Hey, who are your friends?" I asked Katelyn because I don't like her talking to strangers

"This is Kyle and Kylie but she prefers being called Luna because their names are the same pointing at the girl and they are lost and we also go to the same school but aren't in the same class" Katelyn says while holding Kylie's hand

"What happened?" I asked and the boy seemed uncomfortable

"It's Kyle's fault" Kylie said

"No, don't blame me stupid" kyle said and they began to argue

"You guys stop" I yelled and they looked at me "what happened and we aren't going to find your parents because you busy fighting"

"Daddy burned us from getting ice cream because he slept late while he told us to sleep and we found money on our way to the toilet so we decided to go here but we shorting we tried to go back but we were lost" she began crying and I took her and kyle felt a bit sad seeing her little sister crying and he looked like someone I knew but I couldn't recognise and I bought ice cream for all of us and went to our spot and they  began playing and Dave was with some girl for a while and it was getting a bit dark and also cold. I called Luna and it was a bit weird we had the same name.

"Do you know your Dad's numbers?" I asked and she nodded and gave her my phone to call and Kyle was busy playing with Katelyn. I don't know I didn't think of this earlier

"Which side are we?"she asked

"Near the tornado spin and the ship" I answered while looking around and she gave me back my phone and they went back to playing and Dave was still with that girl and gave him the I'm bored now look.

"Daddyyy." Kylie ran to their father and I just looked at her running and kyle followed and Katelyn came to me and I stood up just to check if they are okay although they were walking towards us

"I'm so tired" Katelyn said while I took her into my arms although she was so heavy , I had to do it everytime.

"Uh Daddy this is the woman who took care of us" and I looked up to see Craig standing there with Kylie in his hands and we just froze not knowing what to say "and they are going to church tomorrow, can we go with them?" She asked and yes we have been going to church and praying after we lived with our grandmother. She is very religious and believes that nothing without prayer will prosper

"Hey" Craig said and he still had that sexy voice that made my legs weak

"Hello" I answered looking at the resemblence of Kyle and Craig

"Mommy please let Kylie come with us to church tomorrow and sleep at my home because it's school holidays." She asked why giving me the puppy eyes and I didn't know what to say because I find it so hard to say no to her.

"Uh their daddy will have to decide princess but let's not move fast" I said and she nodded and Kyle began to beg his father and Kylie wanted to cry

"Okay it's fine then" Craig said "so you have a child" he said while walking to our stop and just nodded and put Katelyn down "how many" he continued

"only one" I answered and the kids were busy helping me pack the rest of the stuff and Katelyn ran to Dave.

"Daddy D" she said while hugging and they gave each other a hug and I gave Dave one because I needed it but was staring at Craig.

"Dave this is Craig and Craig this is Dave" I said and the men shakes hands and we were done packing "you owe me a massage " I said pointing at Dave and he just laughed "we have to go, will see each other tomorrow" I said while Kylie came and hugged me and gave her to Craig because she was sleepy and our hands touched and stared for a moment before coming back to reality

"Bye" I said and we went our separate ways and we went to where our car was parked and left

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