Chapter 5

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I woke up at 10 am and start doing my chores. Well all the chores because I'm the only one that cleans the house, it's not that big and I used to it now and I have to make it because if I don't that's gonna start a big argument and noise, so to avoid that I'll just do it no questions asked or anything. After 2 hours I was then done with everything and was lying on my bed.

"Mom asks if you wanna come with us to Granny's home?" Selena asks

"No, I'll just stay behind. I also have lots of school work to do." I'm honestly not isolating myself but I hate people that make me feel like shit or compare me to other , they would probably even body shame me but hey they are elderly what do i know ? I honestly don't have to deal with that because I now have a say so if I don't want to , I just don't.

After they left, I decided to read a little and write. It is really funny how one is able to read novels and understand it but when it comes to school books , I honestly can't get a thing.I was now listening to music and drifted to sleep. I was woken by Selena around 7 pm to go take my food. She kept telling me how much she had much with her friends and I was really happy for her but remember what my late sister did I just became sad because she seemed this happy but I just listened and tried being there for her whenever I can. When I was done eating, I fixed my school uniform and I just remember that I still haven't done my homework and It was already  late but I decided to go to my room and just do it and started studying when I heard an argument. I just closed my door so that Selena won't wake up and followed the noise that lead to the sitting room. My parents were having a argument about something and I knew if they saw me they would probably stop just maybe not always but they were making so much noise and would end up waking up everyone when suddenly i saw that my father was holding a bottle of beer and decided to stand back and see how this would end, hoping it would end and one backing down but I knew, deep down I knew this wasn't going to end well but I just hoped it did because it was about 15 months ago when they promised to stop fighting after my mother nearly died. BANG he beat her with that bottle he was holding and hit her head on the ground, I just froze there and watched as he then started beating her up and calling her names. She was begging for him to stop not too loud to wake us and when he was satisfied he left. I knew if I went he would probably stop or be easier but I felt like she now deserved it, yes I hurts it fucken hurts so much but I was now tired of begging and asking why won't she leave. I just went there and tried to help her, I had no tears in me left to cry but my heart was bleeding tears, I just looked at her and said  nothing and then remembered how she almost lost her life and if she loses her life that could be the end of my sibling because my end died a long time ago trying to save everyone and not realizing I'm losing my self in the process.

"She's been here for over 2 months and if she doesn't respond we will have to switch off the machines because there is really nothing we can do. All is left in her hands now" the doctor said

"I promise to be a good child and do everything to make you happy, just wake up Mommy" Selena said but no answer was given and she broke down, I tried calming her down but she kept screaming "wake up Mommy we need you, you have been sleeping for a while now" that shattered my soul and couldn't take it anymore and i did not know how to tell her that her dearest father put her mother here and he's the reason he isn't waking up.I just rushed to the hospital toilets and broke down, i have never broken down like that before. I knew that day if she dies we aren't going to be nothing, how will I be able to take care of her.
*End of flashback*

I was now done , I cleaned her up and was ready to bed and my phone beeped
Hi, We gonna start with the school project tomorrow after school so tell your parents you might be late, goodnight.

I wonder how she got my numbers, but that was least of my worries. I just looked at the message and went to sleep. "Wake Up" my father screamed and I just looked at him, he stared beating me and I just stood there. I thought if I ran he would beat Selena so I just looked at him and said nothing as he continued, I wondered where my mother could be and was silently sobbing and I couldn't do anything I felt useless again. Let it be let me die, it my time I smiled then slowly closed my eyes.

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