Chapter 14

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Amanda woke up first and couldn't remember how she got to bed but Luna wasn't by her side and thought maybe she was where they were yesterday but knew that she liked her sleep more than anything  and went there and there was no one. She went back and to her room and saw that her sleep over bag was still there also her phone. She decided to ask Craig to help her and just opened the door and Luna and Craig were sleeping on his bed the same way they were in that hide out. Amanda didn't want to wake them up but knew that her brother was as much damaged as Luna although he loved them both she felt that they can't unbreak each other and wondered what happened there while she was sleeping. She went to make some pancakes and hoped that by the time she finishes they will be awake.

Craig woke up first and was glad that Luna was still by her side and wished how the moment could last forever and wondered if she will be able to make her forget his past demons he's been trying to forget and mistakes he did and he kissed her on the forehead,causing her to wake up.

Cold soft lips touched my forehead causing me to wake up and I found myself in the same position I was in the early today hours but the only difference was that I was in his room. I rolled to my side of the bed and looked at him not knowing how to react because he was already awake.

"Morning." I said because clearly he wasn't going to say anything but was still starring

"Morning, sorry if I woke you up" he said and then shifted himself and looked towards the ceiling

"I should go now."

"Sure,let's go"

I didn't even know what time it was so I just went to Amanda's room and the bed wasn't made yet and I took my phone and went out, while Craig was waiting at her door and we both went to the kitchen and found Amanda making pancakes.

"Don't tell her about the room." Craig whispered and I just looked at him showing that I heard him, so Amanda doesn't know about the room.

"Morning you two." Amanda said with the most energetic and came to give me hug.

"What about me?" Craig asked while whining and making a puppy face

"Get over yourself" Amanda said while rolling her eyes and Craig just rushed to her and attacked her with hug and I just laughed how they can be so stupid and we set while eating.

"Can you leave tomorrow please, I'll talk to your mother if that's okay with you." Amanda said and I remember I promised Craig that I will and he was just focusing on his food and phone.

"No, I'll talk to her." And Amanda couldn't help the smile that was flashing on her face.

"What will we be doing today?" Amanda had no clue.

"You could come with us and chill with my friends" Craig said while looking at his phone.

"If that's fine with Luna" Amanda said and I just agreed.

"The only problem is that we will be leaving within two hours and the house isn't clean yet" Craig said while looking at me and Amanda.

"You will wash the dishes and we will clean the rest" I said and Amanda just laughed a bit before speaking

"I think he doesn't know how that's done" and I joined

"Shut up, I'll prove you both wrong" and we  all laughed about that and continued talking about all silly things. Amanda asked what happened between me and Craig and I told her the truth but not about the hid out and she said I should be careful around and went to shower she didn't explain that but only said that he's complicated. I was the last to bath and wore a pair of black jean and black polo neck with some with white tekkie's and tied my natural hair neatly. I realized that I gained weight because the last time they weren't this tight.

"Let's go" Amanda said "you look amazing." She said again and I just smiled and she was wearing a white dress but decided to change into black jeans and white T-shirt and we went downstairs and it wasn't really bad at all, in fact it was awesome and we were impressed with how he did the kitchen.

"We can leave now" Craig looked at us and took his keys and we went out. The ride was quite and Amanda took pictures of us and I texted my mother and told me Amanda told her and she was fine with that.

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