"You really think you can do it now?" asked Weiss, concern that Ruby is about to do... whatever she is about to do.

She looks at all of us before saying "I don't have a choice."

Then the radio came on again. The voice saying how we are entirely on our own. Ruby says back we will do it ourselves if we had to.  This is when we started to make our push to the Leviathan. Ren and Jaune help to mask the ship from the Grimm as we got closer to it. We try to get to it before it got to the next wall, but we are to late as it destroys both it and a building behind it. We still needed to stop it.

 So Ruby tells us to try to distract it from the city on to us. At the same time Weiss will use the bug thing to move Ruby as close to the Leviathan as possible. Me, Yang and Nora started to fire our weapons at it, I mostly aimed for the eyes. Ruby got infront of it and closed her eyes. Then the Leviathan stopped paying attention to us. Then it got closer and closer to Ruby. With her as its goal, then I swear I saw the lantern on her hip. I look to Oscar to see... it is gone. Oh Crap. Yang has already tried to warn Ruby, but half way through, something happened. A massive white/silver light covered the area. My vision turns to a white/silver tint. Something in my head suddenly clicked in me. Ruby. Ruby was the one who did all of that, that white tint at Beacon, at Haven, and now at Argus. When if finally dimmed down, most of the airborne Grimm are now falling, evaporating corpses with the Leviathan now being a statue. Everyone started to cheer, we saved the day. Then the top of its head broke free, now its trying to get free from its "stone" prison. Then on speaker we heard "I'll take it from here!" We turn to see Cordovin coming around the bend, no longer pinned due to detaching the cannon and turning her remaining arm into a ... DRILL? Before stabbing it into the Leviathan. It struggle for a while till it got deep enough and evaporated. She opened up the hull, sharing an exchange with Ruby before going to help her soldiers. Weiss brought Ruby back to the airship where we celebrated.

 But, before we could leave a massive chain of roars were heard. We turn to see.... so many airborne Grimm. I felt my eye twitch, then I got visions. Vision of every hardship and set back we have been through. Me getting poisoned, getting stuck in rubble, the sounds of the two that got ripped apart by an Ursa, seeing Penny almost getting ripped apart, and finally seeing Pyrrha almost die. I opened my eyes, grabbed Ruby's weapon and before anyone can stop me. I fired a round at one Grimm, it left behind a trace line of white. When it entered the Grimm, for less than a second, it started bouncing from Grimm to Grimm. Each one for only a second before coming out even faster into a different one. It even went to where the other Atlas soldiers were fighting, hitting each Grimm. When it finally finished, all of the Grimm immediately exploded and evaporated. I finally blink and my eyes kinda burn, and I feel like I had just sprinted for 50 minutes. My arms go slack as Crescent Rose's barrel hits the edge of the air ship. Everyone just stares at me before Maria says, in almost a whisper, "Another one?" At this point I eventually get my energy back and turn to look at them. I look to Ruby and asked "Was that a special round or ..... was that me?" I turn to look out, I can feel every single person in a 50 mile radius staring at us. I get up, gave Crescent Rose back to Ruby and just asked Maria "Can we... just .. go?" Maria nodded silently before turning and leaving. Heading straight to Atlas as quickly as we could before more shit goes south. 

Author's Note:

I really did not expect me to be able to finish Volume 6 this early. I kinda expected to finish it by Christmas of 2020. But, no matter. Anyway I would like to apologize for the lack of consistency. I am quite terrible on planning things. I just write chapters whenever I feel like I could. Writer's block or laziness. Either way, I do hope you enjoy this book so far. Now as to Volume 7, I plan to deviate from it a tad bit.  I am going to both use both Rooster Teeth's official version with the changes the youtuber Twiins iink used so that team RWBY is more important to the plot.

Twiins iink Video: 

The changes are at around 20:58. Now I am really nervous actually talking to someone else that is a content creator. They by far need the attention more than me. A fat bastard sitting in there room at midnight wondering about their future when they can't do simple shit in the present. And its due to this fear of talking to people I am just going off of a hope that they would allow me to use the changes they use to rewrite Volume 7. And if they at all some how notice me using their version of Volume 7 and would like me to not. Just comment or text me or something. Knowing me I probably write chapter 1 of Volume 7 by October of something. P.S. I do agree with your points on how RWBY seem to be treated as if they are supposed to be the side characters while also being the protagonist at the same time. I would also like to apologize for any spelling mistakes as I mostly write these things either really early in the day or really late. 

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