☁️Chapter 16☁️

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A/N: So uhmm.... Strong language up ahead. A few curses here and there.

The next day

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The next day...

Everyone, knows now. As soon as Haneul entered the school's gates, everyone was talking about it.

"Sam's gay?!" A girl said. "Maybe that's why he's cold towards girls." Her friend concluded.

"Dude, I thought he was straight!"
"Well, we can never judge a book by its cover."

"So, what if he's gay? It's not that big of a deal, everyone should just be happy for the person." Haneul whispered to herself. She was never able to speak up, even if comes to Sam, especially when it comes to herself.

She was always quiet about it when fights occurred. Although she wants to be this cool person where she can break fights, but in reality, (well it's still fiction) she's just another bystander, that's way too insecure to speak up, but she always makes sure that she comforts the person after the fight.

"Hey, are you okay?" Minji asked. "Yeah, just a little bit worried about him..."

"Hey stop worrying, I'm sure that it'll be alright, just give it some time okay?"

"Thanks, I'll go now, see you later." Haneul then walked off, towards her first class which was with her other friend, Jaemin.

Before going to class, she needed something to relax herself, which was, strawberry milk, and also music.

She often plays her music loudly, while wearing earphones of course, just so she can distract herself from thinking a lot.

She arrives in class, and finds a seat in the middle row, putting her bag on the chair next to her for her friend.

Still listening to music, she feels a tap on her arm. "Good morning!"

"Good morning Luke!" The girl tried to sound as happy as she could. "You seem to be having a good day so far." He said.

"Ah, yes, nothing that milk and music could fix." She said, earning a laugh from him.

"I still can't believe that we're in the same class together."

"I'm shocked that you haven't noticed me yet. I like often sit in front of you."

"Sorry, I mean, I focus on this class... Also, glasses." She said, while fixing her specs.

"Is your eyesight that bad?"

"No not really." The girl laughed. "Okay look, I just well, maybe if you like said hi before, we could've been friends from the start."

"But hey, at least we know each other now... Oh do you know with what happened with Sam?"

"What about him?" She asked, pretending to not know. It's her talent, she's good at pretending that she's okay.

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