I see Ruby jump off before attacking Cordovin, forcing her to fall backwards. Into the cliff side we are at, Jaune, Ren, Nora, and I all ran to the bot. Ren manage to cling himself onto her right arm. I look at Jaune and Nora before screaming "Nora, Hammer. Jaune get that shield up." Both nod towards me before doing so. Nora turns her weapon to its hammer form before throwing it to me. I manage to catch it, stumbling before continuing to run. Jaune goes on his knees with his shield up like a bounce pad. I jump on the shield, Jaune pushes me upwards while I jump. Pushing me higher than a normal jump would. I turn the hammer and use its launch feature to launch me further up by its recoil before tossing it back to Nora. I grab my crowbar and the moment I hit the back of Cordovin's hull, I stabbed the bottom end of my crowbar through it. Anchoring me to her back, she starts to move and I wait for Ren to get up here. He eventually gets here and I asks for one of his weapons. He tosses me one, I barely manage to catch it before stabbing it into the hull. I look to my right to see a panel with a black outline. I grab my crowbar and put it on the outline before pulling, it was stuck but I pulled. After a while it burst open but I lost my grip on Ren's gun grip. Before I fell I got grabbed, I look to see it was Qrow who caught me. "Gotcha. What did you find?" He asks me. He tosses me up and I grip onto the extrusion above the panel. We look inside and we see above it, a sign saying "Authorized Personnel only" and below it saying "Shield Generator". "Convenient" I say before we grab our weapons, and started to fire our guns into the thing. It started to spark and smoke till its left side exploded, almost knocking us off.

 Then we hear more explosions near the front and more shakes on the bot almost knock us off. We then hear buzzing behind us, we turn to see Weiss and Ruby behind us on the bug. Weiss tells us to jump on. We do, but I notice both she and the bug begin to struggle hard. We must weight to much for it. We get up high and we see Cordovin smack both Jaune and Nora to the side. Ren screams No, before we hear charging up. We look to our side and I felt my eyes narrow to the size of a dust particle as I see the cannon charging a blast at us. Weiss barely has enough time to move us forward but the blast ... disintegrates the bug and we start falling. Weiss, Qrow, and Ren manage to land on the cliff side. Me and Ruby weren't as lucky. We were to far, Ruby used her semblance on us to get father but we were just short before falling down. 

Qrow extends his arm to catch us but by the time he could react to us, we had fallen to far. We scream a bit before Ruby gets her Crescent Rose and stabs it into the cliff side. I barely manage to grab onto it, resulting in it sliding a bit further down. We look at each other before looking behind us, seeing Cordovin standing over us before taunting us by saying "This is what happens when you think you know better than those rightfully in charge." I barely manage to say under my breath, loud enough that Ruby heard it, "Lady, you don't know the half of it". She then aimed her cannon at us preparing to fire on us. We attempt to get up high, then we hear a grab. We turn to see it got something in its hand and that the cannon stopped charging. The robot started to turn... right to the air ship. It then tossed something at the air ship and before we not, it got hit by the shock wave of an explosion and it started to spiral out of control.

Ruby and I look at each other before getting out footing. We started to climb our way up by pulling Crescent Rose out of the wall, jumping up and stabbing it back into the wall. After two jumps we manage to get back ontop. We turned to see the air ship is still in the air, now just barely managing to miss each of Cordovin's attacks. She started to taunt Maria, about their ... rivalry? Seriously? All of this for a simple rivalry? That is both insane and excessive. 

Oscar came in the radio asking if we are okay. Ruby retorts how they went against the original plan. But Oscar assures her there is a reason for it, he had found a weakness. Nora comes it, carrying Jaune on the shoulder saying "Well, we're all ears." Ren goes to his teammates to assist with Jaune. The rocket launcher on her cannon pop out to fire, so one clean shot could result in the missiles exploding. Jaune agrees with him before Nora asks Ruby if she can even land such a shot. She says she can, if she is staring directly at the cannon, and has only one shot at it. Maria comes in with her plan, she stops in front of us before Ruby jumps on the ship, it is just barely big enough for both Yang and I's vehicles. Qrow tries to stop Ruby to asks what she is doing but doesn't receive and answer as  the moment she got on, the air ship flies away. I contact Ruby through the radio and tell her "Good luck, make this count." She responds with " Aye". Now we just wait. The air ship head directly towards Cordovin and she puts out her missile rack to fire. This is it. We can deal with this and help with Yang, Blake and Neo and---

The Silver Eye man in the Orange SuitWhere stories live. Discover now