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Jisoo's phone was taken away. 

She felt humiliated and ridiculed for being treated such a way. It's like she was being treated like a child. Simply because of the ridiculous incident she faced back in Japan with the creepy photographer, when she was the one who was being harshly judged...she had to face the consequences.

Jisoo got in trouble for that uncomfortable treatment. It turned out that the photographer was going to threaten YG's company, framing Jisoo, saying that she wanted to have sex with him AND apparently called him derogatory names.

How in the, HELL!?

SHE WAS ON THE VERGE OF TEARS DURING THAT PHOTOSHOOT. She felt like she was crumbling on the inside, and the self-hate was beginning to envelope her soul. Did that photographer REALLY think that she wanted a simple fuck with a MAN LIKE HIM!?

She would go back to her ex any day, if that were an option.

When Jisoo was confronted about the blackmailing incident, she couldn't help but cry in front of the man who was also starting to have troubles of controlling YG entertainment. What hurt was that YG was going to believe the photographer, rather than hearing her side of the story. YG truly couldn't afford to ruin the image he had built for years.  

All she had known at that point, was something had occurred with Bigbang Seungri. He didn't seem too happy about it. Therefore, finding out about this blackmailing incident with the pathetic man, made YG mad at Jisoo. 

With the minimal time she had, Jisoo had eventually explained that the incident was not true. In fact, the photographer was the one who was treating her with utter disrespect. Not only that, with the support of the girls, they too had explained little uncomfortable incidents they had experienced during the photoshoots.

Regardless, JIsoo was put to blame, as if she had started this commotion on purpose. She was sleeping somewhat peacefully one night, then woken up by the blaring sound of her phone ringtone - YG demanding her to meet him at his office. This photographer incident was a definite surprise.

She knew from the tone of his voice, things weren't going to go well. 

So, Yg's solution was to keep her quiet and controlled. She couldn't talk to anyone but the rest of the blackpink members. She couldn't even talk to her own family, let alone friends.

Considering YG was going through something, Jisoo thought it was best to keep quiet for the time being. She would have to rely on the rest of blackpink, if she needed to contact someone. 

Jisoo was upset, and it felt like the whole world hated her. Even though the company had paid x amount of dollars to shut the photographer up and fire him. Jisoo could've contributed unwillingly to ruining blackpink's image, if their company didn't have the money to pay the cruel man. 

Jisoo would've felt so bad.

It would've been her fault right?

SHe just couldn't think much at this point.

Why didn't she refuse singing? She could've pursued being an actress instead. Her life would've definitely been more free...right?



"Yoongi, stop looking at your phone."  Jimin walked casually to sit beside Yoongi, who didn't look away from his phone screen.

Yoongi didn't seem to hear jimin, but rather feel the pain from his scalp. He had his hair dyed back to brown once again for the idol music video. The time had finally come to film what would hopefully be an epic music video for the fans.

Their hard work will pay off, but Yoongi's mind was drifting off somewhere else. "Something's wrong, I know it." Yoongi spoke aloud, peaking jimin's interest

"What's wrong?"

"Jisoo. She hasn't been responding to any of my texts."

Ever since Yoongi had went to visit Jisoo in Japan, things have been slightly going downhill. That being - their lack of communication, meaning...less of Yoongi smiling.

The girl who made him smile, was no longer talking to him.

And he felt at fault.

"She's probably okay. Maybe she's busy?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if that asshole, who deliberately ruined his wife's career, did something. There has to be something. "

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