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"Yes, I'm leaving. I can't miss my plane." Yoongi chuckled, looking at Jisoo's eyes. He hadn't taken note of how she had asked the question prior.

Was she disappointed?

"No...I meant...right. You should go finish up packing." Jisoo stepped further back into her hotel room, indicating that she was done with the conversation. Super short conversation.

"No, finish what you wanted to say." Yoongi spoke, now stepping into the door frame, he was now leaning his body against the frame, waiting patiently.

Jisoo sighed, before saying, "I was just wondering if you had to leave so soon, in terms of now? It's nothing."

"So soon huh? Do you want me to stay longer?" The teasing in his voice made Jisoo want to roll her eyes. She could feel her cheeks begin to heat up, her face slowly becoming a pink colour of embarrassment.

Great, now was the time to make some excuse, that was partially true, "I didn't get the proper way to thank you for keeping me entertained for the past two days. I'm sure Namjoon and the rest of the guys are upset." Jisoo then frowned, realizing that she had just wasted his time.

"Mad? About what?" Yoongi crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "I chose to travel here."

"Oh." Jisoo somewhat knew that, but for some reason, it's like she wanted to believe that it was rather the influence of his members that made him come to Japan.

"What do you mean oh. " Yoongi had so many questions, didn't he?


"Yah, I came to see you."

Jisoo's eyes widened as she heard those words.

He came to see me?

Obviously idiot. Why would he spend time with her, if it wasn't a part of his plan.

She wasn't going to admit that those words actually made her happy. Considering the somewhat uneventful, but eventful life that she was having, this was something that she actually enjoyed.

Being 67% happy around a camera was tiring.

During the past 2 days, she was 100% happy.

But, as if a magnetic force was between them, Yoongi slowly stepped forward, closer to Jisoo. She looked up at him, her eyebrows raised as he approached her slowly.

He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Jisoo's waist, pulling him dearly close to his chest. He closed his eyes, soon placing his right hand behind her head, as if he wanted to secure his grasp around her carefully. She felt her body stiffen in his hold, because she was uncomfortablye at first. But, she soon began to relax as she pressed her head against his shoulder.

Soon, she wrapped her arms around his waist as well, closing her eyes.

Yoongi sighed, "it sucks that this is the first time we've had an opportunity to travel like this. Years back, I couldn't even imagine leaving the country because I was in huge debt. Things really have changed." Yoongi was happy where he was right now. He could do the things that were once a dream.

Soon, he decided to step back, letting go of his comfortable grasp. He wasn't a hugger, but Jisoo seemed to be the exception.

"I should get going. I need to leave the hotel by 4 am."

"That's so early."

"For sure." Yoongi chuckled, a wave of nervousness flowing through him.

It wasn't until that moment, he felt a bit weird about everything. He suddenly felt that...wait...was he going on a date?

Would this be considered a date?

"Yes. Go yoongi, get some rest."

Yoongi's breath became shallow, fists clenching in discomfort.

What did guys do after everything was over?


And before he could continue his mental panicked thoughts, he felt a pair of soft lips quickly peck his cheek.

Yoongi's heart immediately began to thump erratically, as he looked at Jisoo with a poker face. He's become used to keeping a straight face, but what Jisoo didn't know was his wild heart.

"Thanks for everything. I really won't forget this."

"I'll..yeah...anytime. I'll see you in korea, bye!"

"Haha..." Jisoo chuckled nervously, "see you in Seoul."

With that, Yoongi turned speedy quick, and because of the sudden sharp turn, he nearly tripped over his feet.

"Fuck." Yoongi cursed quietly, suddenly wanting to leave the damn hotel.

He needed a quick breath of fresh air, and going to the sky top was the best place. No one would be there, and it was available for hotel residents with no supervision.

Yoongi straightened his back, looking like a stiff robot. He half ran, half speed walked, reaching for the hotel button like it was his dear life.

"Fuck fuck fuck. I nearly shit my pants. Calm down, yoongi." Yoongi spoke, trying to mentally comfort himself.

No, it just wasn't working.

Jisoo on the other hand, was so confused.

Was the little kiss too much?



A/N - I'm just not going to make plots hella complicated...it's so hard to keep up with LOL...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Stay safe everyone!

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