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That  was definitely something Ji soo needed that moment.

She was sleep deprived because of her careless decision in reading a comic book.

She wasn't a huge reader, but since she couldn't sleep the night before, she thought that if she read, maybe she would be able to doze off easily.


Turns out, reading was the sole reason why she couldn't sleep.

The comic book was so good, she couldn't put the book away.

Of course, she sacrificed her beauty sleep for finishing the story.


However, today, she had a day off, so she decided to chill at the hotel and rest.

Ritz Carlton.

Taking a relaxing shower to wake her senses, she asked one of the staff members to buy her a Starbucks coffee.

The staff member agreed, and had left the hotel about 15 minutes ago.

Sighing constantly of boredom, she didn't have much to do.

Walking over to the room window, she decided to sit on the ledge. IT was large enough to sit as a 'seat', so she casually sat, resting her back against the wall.

Finally feeling calm, she closed her eyes, smiling to herself.

Having alone time in her hotel was so peacefu------



The sound of her phone ringtone going off made her yelp, because she didn't expect a call from the girls or her parents.

Her parents knew they were busy, the girls had different commitments, so....

"Ugh, I wish I took the sim card out." Ji soo groaned, walking away from the surprisingly comfortable window ledge, walking towards the phone that eventually stopped ringing. The room was silent once again, and once she tapped the screen, she raised her eyebrow looking at the missed phone call.

It wasn't too long, until a spam of text messages...came from yoongi.

"What the...."

Ji soo swiped the unlock the phone, tapping the screen to the messenger app.

Yoongs: Yah. You better be awake.

Yoongs: You there?

Yoongs: HELLO!

Yoongs: Don't ignore me!

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