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Leaving their home was always difficult if they didn't have the company's assistance. Aka, having their drivers. Kpop had special schedules, to prevent as much real-time tracking/following from mother fucking creeps. The paparazzi losers.

This would mean, waking up in the early morning, or leaving very late at night, when most Koreans are already at home, and the paparazzi had enough of attempting to find something, when they found nothing.

The strictness of their schedule increases when more eyes are on the idol - such as BTS and Blackpink.

It's come to a point where BTS or Blackpink won't notify anyone why they are leaving Seoul, when spotted at the airport.

Just smile, be fake friendly or friendly. Don't have to be near the flashing cameras for long. Is what Blackpink would all remind themselves mentally.

Fake it till you leave Seoul, is the mentality they have when they just want to be left alone.

Even though leaving the house at weird times, was not easy, it was doable. Jisoo and the rest of Blackpink have done it several times. It's annoying to go with the usual drivers they have. Considering they are a part of the company, and as a part of their job, they are supposed to monitor the whereabouts. This could mean, notifying the company what shit they're about to do. After debuting as an idol, not all are as perfect as they may seem.

Now, this all seems sketch, but it really isn't. It's a bit embarrassing to go buy condoms, plan B, sexy lingerie, or even a sex toy, having the driver you've had since you were 15 don't you think?

Or, it's awkward to go on a little cheat day on food, buying some McDonalds, or fried Chicken and beer. And the most adventurous part, going to a nightclub...definitely a huge risk to go with the company's driver. Essentially, being a normal young adult was a risk. Just because the driver knew blackpink for years, didn't break the professionalism.

Anything outside of the company's scheduled events, and taking the company driver was a huge NO.

This would mean, Jennie and Jisoo would have to leave their home about 45 minutes early to go to the French Restaurant, using an uber driver. Thank goodness, Jisoo had a friend, who was currently a full-time dental student but working as an uber part-time. IT was the only safe route. People can spot who they are, even when they wear a mask. Cannot risk being questioned.

Another advantage was, all of blackpink's friend Jaeha worked part-time at this french restaurant as well. Jennie made sure for all the staff workers to sign forms, to not let anyone know they had attended the restaurant, to prevent further questions. When contacting Yoongi, he had spoken with the manager, with who he happens to be friends. Apparently former classmates?

BTS and Blackpink should be protected on both ends.

Jennie was willing to go with jisoo, to make her happy. She wanted Jisoo to be happy. She deserved happiness.

And Jennie hoped whatever tonight's encounter is will be worth it.

Jennie first had to tell what tonight's little adventure would be. As far as Jisoo was concerned, she was going to sleep early tonight.


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