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BTS in Saipan, BLACKPINK in Japan



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Months had gone by, and Ji soo and Yoongi texted each other at least twice a week

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Months had gone by, and Ji soo and Yoongi texted each other at least twice a week. The conversations didn't last long but it was something.

They wanted to continue the friendship that was held off, and maybe cut too short because of the trainee life.

Both couldn't risk containing phone contacts of the opposite gender unless if it were family members, and the rest is history.

They drifted apart.

However, that was the past and now the goal was to reinforce the friendship once again.

Coincidentally both were working on photoshoots, and were on their breaks.

And that's when Yoongi had the bold move to text:

Yoongs: Do you want to facetime, if you are free?

Jiji: I'm sort of free. 30 minute break.

Yoongs: What r u up to?

Jiji: Guess photoshoot

Yoongs: nice. I'm doing a photoshoot for our summer package rn.

Jiji: on break too?

Yoongs: ya :) So...facetime?

Jiji: sure.

Yoongi's heart fluttered the moment he saw jisoo's text.

He didn't hesitate to press the call button, and to have some privacy he went back to the hotel room and sit on a chair on the balcony, having the background as the ocean.





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Ji soo had answered the phone and Yoongi's jaw dropped to the ground

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Ji soo had answered the phone and Yoongi's jaw dropped to the ground. His eyes immediately drifted to her bright pink lips, and newly die dhair. The brown with a mix of bronze suited her.

"Hey." Ji soo let out a smile, waving at yoongi. Yoongi was still speechless.

"Yah. What's wrong? Can you hear me?" His face was frozen, making it seem like the phone screen froze.

"Uh..yeah. Yeah, i'm okay. Hey!" Yoongi's voice increased in pitch, and he wanted to curse out loud because of how embarrassing it was.

She was so beautiful. LIke how in the hell---

"I was worried that the connection was poor or something. So, how's it going in saipan?"

"The place is too hot." Yoongi sighed, "but the views are great. Check this out." Yoongi flipped the camera, to give her a view of the ocean. There was a restaurant located not too far and since the sun was setting, the lights were on, lighting up the romantic looking restaurant. She gasped as she saw the beauty. Now that was a vacation spot to go to for sure!

Her reaction was priceless and cute to yoongi.

"Whoaaaaa. I wish I came along!"

I wish the same. Yoongi would never admit that out loud. He flipped the camera, so that it was back on selfie mode. He ruffled his hair, to make sure it was perfect...not that it wasn't before *Eye roll*

"Maybe you'll get the chance to go at some point?" Yoongi suggested, taking in her appearance. He was literally mind blown in how such a simple look was the most hottest ---- and his thoughts were cut off

"I highly doubt it. Yg is trying to do a lot of promotions in the USA. IT's just always about work, having a vacation isn't necessarily an option anytime soon."

"Well we are here for work too." Yoongi said, "we haven't gone to a place abroad simply for vacation only. Yes we do some tourist things while we travel to new places. But there's always a camera up our ass for good quality content." And that's when Ji soo burst into laughter,

"I missed your sarcastic humour." Her smile automatically was contagious.

"I missed your laugh." And that's the moment when Yoongi realized he fucked up.

He admitted his thoughts.

GOd damn it.

"Aww, you like my laugh?" Ji soo giggled once again, noticing her ears getting pink. She shyly covered her ears with her hair, but too bad for her, because Yoongi already noticed.

He refrained from smiling, feeling a bit victorious for making her embarrassed.

"Moving on." Yoongi cleared his throat, "how's your photo shoot going?"

"It's alright. Boring."

"I agree. Photoshoots are boring."

"Anyway, I should get going. I want to quickly eat a snack before my next round of shoots. It'll be a good 2 hours non-stop so---"

"Right! I...I should go eat dinner now. I'll talk to you later."

"For sure. Bye yoongi!" Waving again, she hung up before he could say 'bye'. He just sighed, as the screen went back to his home screen.

"That conversation was way too short." Yoongi frowned to himself.

"I agree. I was expecting some good quality shit." Yoongi cursed out loud, as Jimin was peaking through the door.

"The fuck---"

"Seriously? You sounded like you had nothing to talk to her!"

"Why the fuck are you...how the hell did you get in my room?"

"You shouldn't leave it unlocked. Don't want a fan to break in do you?"

"Well then it's not a fan then is it? Plus we have the whole hotel booked to us so..."

"You have a point." Jimin took a chair, about to get comfortable when--

"Get out." yoongi deadpanned, glaring at the younger.

"Yes sir." Jimin saluted like he was a soldier, scurrying out of the room like a mouse.

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