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The flight was quite splendid.

Yoongi managed to get on the flight without the regular travelling passengers to catch note of him. He remembered that paparazzi managed to catch bts go to The airport when they were going to travel to Saipan. It was supposed to be a private trip, a surprise for the army's when the summer package was released. However, dispatch are always on their toes, wanting to take pictures of bts whenever they had the chance.

For the record, army's or any regular person for that matter, had no idea bts was currently in Saipan, only knowing that they weren't in the country, they absolutely had no idea that yoongi left the members to go to a short trip to Tokyo to see ji soo.

And if he got caught....he wouldn't know how to cope.

Cameras bothered him, when they weren't taken with his permission.

The paparazzi was like the haunting devil.

They sucked ass alright?

Other than all that,

The flight was amazing for a few reasons.

Yoongi's friend from middle school, nam joo hyun, made sure to treat his friend to the best of his ability. Make him feel comfortable throughout the flight, make sure no passengers passed Yoongi's aisle or else he was fucked.

Every passenger was Asian, and if they didn't know who yoongi was at this point, they were definitely from another planet.

All flight attendants for a matter of fact were smooth.
It's not like they all huddled around yoongi, asking for photographs and signatures. Probably because of knowing that joo hyun was friends with yoongi. It didn't feel like a surprise that they all had a mutual friend to the best KPop group in the world.
And as a fact, they were able to act mature and imagine being in Yoongi's shoes - how stressful it can be to be constantly in the spotlight.

Being a celebrity definitely used up his mental energy. Hence why he Can sleep for hours at a time.

Yoongi was grateful for all the staff for respecting his privacy and treating him the same as every other person on this plane.

He was also grateful that his ride and assistance was prepared so he could leave the airport peacefully.

Wishing joo hyun a Safe trip back to Korea, he followed the staff member's who lead the way to go past separate customs and a different exit to his personal driver.

At last....yoongi arrived to Tokyo.

Yoongi wore a mask to hide his puffy face. He probably had the best sleep ever after a long time.

Walking silently a little behind the staff worker, the silence broke off when the person asked,
"I had to say this, so I will. You're by bias. Is agust-d making a comeback?"


Yoongi wasn't sure if he should laugh or respond.

He smiled, making his eyes smaller, "thanks. And as for agust-d, I guess the company will have to notify all army's when the time comes."

"Aisshhh...the answer is right in front of me. That's okay."

Yoongi took a quick glance at the girl, who surprisingly looked calm.

He couldn't help but ask the question that kept in nagging his brain, "how are you acting so calm?"

"Being around a celebrity isn't something abnormal. I'm one of the facilitators to assist KPop and KPop groups through the alternate route to leave the airport with ease. Plus I'm relate to a KPop idol, so it's nothing special." Taking note of her name, yoongi realizes that she was korean.

"Who are you related to?" Yoongi's curious side kicked in.

"Seulgi from red velvet. She's my cousin"

"Ah, okay." Yoongi nodded his head, looking at the calm girl again.

"It makes sense."

"Yes. And I'd prefer if you don't mention it to others. I prefer not being known as seulgi's cousin. I don't want unnecessary attention."

"No problem." Yoongi responded, not even planning on telling such an insignificant fact.

"And I won't mention to anyone that you in fact are here alone for who knows what reason."

"It's a done deal." Yoongi knew that she may have been curious, but let the curiosity go on.

He wasn't going to explain the real reason for his visit.

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