Chapter 11: Disappointing

Start from the beginning

'It's Hebon!'

Hearing his name, Hebon turned. He was talking to a challenger, still in purple uniform, by the cliffside. Amber knew, even if she hadn't recognised her golden brown curls, that #96 was Bianka. Trip's hand brushed hers. He beamed when she clasped it.

'Hey, Amber,' Hebon said, 'And the rest of y'all. Congrats on the Machine Badge. Emili's pretty tough.'

Bianka shook her head. 'It wasn't that hard.'

'Surprised you're not in Pyrite already,' Trip said coolly, 'Since you're so strong. Did Hebon give you trouble?'

She snorted. 'I'm not in a hurry. Maybe there are things I want to do other than the Gym Challenge? But if you're in any doubt...'

She was already reaching for her Poké Balls. Trip let go of Amber's hand to send out Tentacool and Roselia. He commanded Roselia to use Giga Drain on Golduck, but Bianka's Noctowl knocked it out first. Golduck effortlessly took down Tentacool. Despite its type disadvantage, Cubone hung on; but Eevee and Swablu stood no chance. Cubone couldn't beat Bianka alone. Trip seemed tough at Gateon Colosseum. His loss to Bianka was as humiliating as Amber's. Hebon frowned.

'Was that really fair, Bianka?'

'Yes,' Trip interjected, 'I accepted the challenge. And losses will help me get stronger.'

Bianka's arms folded. 'Is that what Leon...'

Her eyes fell on Amber. 'Sorry – Rose's boyfriend told you?'

'That's enough!'

Hebon stepped between them. 'Bianka, I'm disappointed in you! Acting like a schoolyard bully. You're so worried about abuse – but now you're joking about it?'

'That's none of their business!'

She scowled before turning to leave. 'I sure hope you're smart enough not to share anything I told you with them. They won't be able to defend themselves.'

Cassia hugged Amber. She was shaking. Zane stared incredulously after Bianka. She pulled on a helmet before speeding off, with a mechanical roar, on her motorbike. Golduck clung to her waist.

'Seriously! What's with her?!'

'She wasn't always like that,' Trip said, 'I've known her forever. But she just stopped speaking to me last year.'

Hebon shrugged. 'She's having some trouble with herself and... some other stuff. Don't take it personally.'

'Her?' Zane snickered, 'Trouble with herself? I don't think so.'

'Why don't y'all go get some rest at Amber's house?'

Amber frantically shook her head, but Hebon continued. He was still rough around the edges when she was little. Now he was a softened dad, too.

'Need a ride? We're not acceptin' any more challengers 'til tomorrow – even if I have known them all their life.'

'Yeah!' Zane exclaimed, 'I could go for some of auntie Abbey's food right now!'

Cassia protested, but their friends were already clamouring to get back in the van. Amber gave in.

'We'll just go...'

Charizard was playing soccer with Cinderace on the drive. Amber unlocked the door. She instantly wanted the ground to swallow her up.

'Dad! Why do you have to wear that?!'

Leon was asleep in his Charizard onesie on Abbey's shoulder. She put a finger to her lips, but the noisy entrance had already woken him. Zane chortled.

'Hey, Lee, I have six Pokémon now! Can we battle?'


He was groggy and irritable. 'Of course we can't! You silly lad.'

'Aww... maybe tomorrow. Can I at least get some dinner?'

Abbey stood with a sigh. She heated up spicy vegetable soup and bread rolls in the rustic kitchen. The visitors gratefully tucked in. Amber wasn't hungry. She fetched her guitar from her room. Trip's smile was bright when he followed her out to the front porch. It was infectious... and there was undoubtedly something romantic about the cliché of serenading someone so besotted with her in the warm dusk. Maybe she did like him.

Amber had never kissed anyone. She glanced back to check her parents weren't lurking before letting Trip pull her close. It was thrilling, in a bizarre way. She had no idea what to expect or even what to do. Their dry bumping of lips was awkward. He'd obviously done this before, because he knew to gently lay a finger on her lips to part them. It was still awkward... just wet this time. He didn't seem to mind. The awkwardness faded, gradually, as they both grew more confident. He sat back, breathless, for a moment.

'You all good? I don't want to take things too fast.'

'I'm good.'

Smiling, he went in for another kiss. She was curious if nothing else. Then a key rattled. The door swung open.

'Charizard! Cinderace! Time for bed!'

They sprang apart. Leon almost tripped over them. Blushing, Trip apologised profusely.

'Not to worry. I'll trip over anything! Even Trip himself! Ha ha! Sorry...'

Leon smiled. 'I'm glad you two have made friends.'

They burst out laughing once they heard him shuffle out of earshot upstairs. Trip's cheeks were still pink.

'Would he have been angry...?'

'I don't even know! Maybe he'd just make another dad joke. And that might be worse...'

'I don't mind him. Y'know... I've never met my dad. Not even sure what his name is. I guess he doesn't care to know mine, either.'

His smile didn't waver. 'But I have grandma and my Pokémon... and you, Amber.'

You've hardly known me two days, she thought... at the same time as she wanted to parade him around town, to prove something she couldn't discern. Abbey gave him blankets to sleep on the living room floor. Cassia sat, staring at her phone, on the stairs. Amber nudged her.

'C'mon, Cass. We don't want to miss registering tomorrow!'

'Not sleeping with him? I see you've changed your mind.'

'Oh, I was just curious...'

She smiled. 'You don't have to explain yourself. So how was it?'

'Dry... then wet. And awkward... but interesting, I guess.'

'You didn't have fireworks going off in your heart as he pinned you down?'

'Er... no. I think that only happens in fiction.'

'Oh. That's disappointing.'

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