The Wedding •Part 2•

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-Ray's POV

I stood back watching Diamond as she jumped up in down with excitement turning back to her friends with her cheesy smile. How could she possibly be so excited to marry Jacob? I stare at her and shake my head. This is all an act. She misses me and she can't deny that. I know she misses me. I know it for a fact.

I grab her wrist. "I can't let you do this." I begin dragging her out of the church. Diamond had to keep moving if she didn't wanna mess up her heels or her dress. When we are outside of the church she groans. "Ray!"

I can't tell Diamond that I know she needs me or she'll marry Jacob just to prove me wrong. "Diamond you can't go through with this."

Her face sinks and her shoulders slump over. "No Ray. You are not going to ruin my wedding day. I'm sick and tired of people like you stopping me from what I want. I want a family. I want Jacob. I want to be a wife. Leave if you don't want happiness for me. I don't have time for this my wedding is about to start."

She turns around and I take her by her waist. "Babe you know how you and Jacob are. It doesn't work between you two if their isn't a fight. Your about to marry someone you aren't even comfortable with. Are you gonna act like you are prefect the rest of your life? Diamond you don't even burp in front of Jacob and you're gonna marry him?"

She turns around rolling her eyes. "I am comfortable with him."

I shake my head. "No you aren't. I know I haven't seen you two in years but it was always you trying to prove to yourself that you were good enough for him. You'll be lounging around in sweatpants with me then if he comes over you have to fix you makeup and your hair and your outfit. Are you seriously signing yourself up for that for the rest of your life?"

Diamond shakes her head and picks up her poof ball dress in her hands. "That's bullshit! Leave!"

"Diamond you don't even wear glasses around him."

She turns around and sticks out her tongue at me. "I do wear my glasses and my sweatpants and I burp and I fart and he knows when I'm taking a shit! I don't give two fucks about what you think anymore! I'm getting fucking married!" She yells and the vein on her forehead pops out.

I groan. "Diamond why are you even gonna try with him? You're crazy if you think you'll stay together. Babe we all know Jacob's gonna age perfectly and you'll be growing old with him. He'll probably divorce you for a ten year old. Don't do that to yourself. Don't rush your wedding." I explain and Diamond stands still while I smirk a little.

I got her.

She's so scared of a divorce. I know she's think twice before having a wedding if even a chance of divorce was there.

"We won't have a divorce." She crosses her arms. "Jacob loves me." Her voice quavers.

I shake my head. "For now."

"Forever." She corrects me.

I shove my hands in my pockets. "There's always gonna be another Chanel out there. You remember how he treated you when Chanel came back home? Jacob loves pretty faces and your beautiful but you can't compare to Chanel. You're not that pretty Diamond. It's just-" I stop speaking when Diamond takes off full speed running away from me. I watch as she struggles with her heels and big dress.

She's always been insecure and I'd hate to use that against her but she can't get married.

Jacob comes rushing out the church looking for her. He spots her then turns to me with his jaw clenched. "I swear I'm going to get you back! It's our fucking wedding day!"

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