No Peace

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-Diamond's POV

So I'm pregnant.

I wouldn't say I'm completely shocked, still surprised. It's like when you know you are going to fail a test and you get the test back barely passing which hurts a tad, that's me. Only I'm hurting a lot. Maybe not hurting but sullen about my mommy future starting so early. But I get that I have to deal with these things and I'll love my baby the best I can.

Jacob wanted me to get a job before so I got one. He's mad at me for taking him seriously but I don't care. I'm a secretary which is the best job for me. I get to sit a lot and thank God that the people I'm working for have assistants so no asking for coffee from me.

On the downside me and Jacob are fighting more often about the littlest things, we barely speak other than good morning and goodnight, and if he stands in a room for to long I wanna kill him.

Jacob rolls over in bed while I lay there thinking. "Good Morning." He says and turns to kiss my stomach that has a slight baby bump. His hand grazes it and he wraps himself around me. With one whiff of him I can tell a shower needs to be taken so I slide away from him clutching my pillow to my face.

"What is it?" He groans and sits up looking down at me.

I shake my head. "Nothing."

"You always have a problem about ever single thing I do. What is it this time?"

I roll my eyes and remove the pillow. "Can you at least shower before you come in bed? Is that to much to ask to wake up to a sweet smelling person? You smell like shit."

Jacob does some drama scene where he groans loudly and kicks the sheets off of him. "That's why I just farted!"

"Fuck you!" I yell and get up heading to the bathroom.

Jacob looks at me crazy when I walk in the bathroom behind him. "The fuck are you doing D?"

My eyes bug out. "I have to pee."

"Well there is a bathroom down the hall. I'm going to shower because apparently I stink-- no I quote on quote smell like shit."

I sigh and lean into my hip. "I have to pee."

Jacob groans and walks out the bathroom slamming the bathroom door behind him. "Fine!" I hear him yell and roll my eyes. You would think he is the one having a baby.

While I'm washing my hands he comes in. He makes an extra effort for me to know that he is mad; stomping, knocking things over, hitting everything. I walk out silently and he does what he does in the shower. When he comes out I immediately walk in the bathroom since he had to take a hour to do all this unnecessary shit.

"We have to go to the doctor in a hour." He says when I'm dressed.

"Always! You're always late! Now he probably has a patient!" Jacob screams while he looks around the place to find where we are going.

I gasp. "Me!"

"Yes you! I have to pee! I have to vomit! Every second! Could you keep your body fluids inside?"

"Are you fucking kidding me! Your dumbass is the one that got lost!" Idiot.

Jacob's hands grip the steering wheel and he starts speeding. "Well if your dumba- well if you weren't so late then maybe I would have been more concentrated!"

Oh please. "That's bullshit!"

"That's true shit!" He nods.

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