Future Planning

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-Jacob's POV
•Year later•

So me and Diamonds are in a great relationship. We're currently in the process of moving to California. I have a house there already it's just to send Diamond's things over and to make the house a home instead of a vacation house. She's about to finish school and I want her near her family. It's even better for me to have better opportunities.

Since we are making this big adjustment I think it's time to pop the question. I'm about 99.9% sure she'll say yes.

"Where you going?" Diamond ask when I come out the shower.

I look at her scrambled hair and light face from her deep sleep. She's so cute. I crawl over to her on our king sized bed and take her tiny hands in mine.

"Why you worrying? Huh?" I tease her and she slaps my chest.

"Shut up."

Diamond sighs. "Don't you have a interview today?"

I nod and peck her lips lightly. "Yeah I do."

"So where are you going this early?" She whines.

I shrug as if I don't know that today I'm going to ask a design to design her ring. No way in hell does she deserve a regular ring that anyone could find in a magazine.

Only thing that worries me is that me and Diamond are still private. She doesn't want her dad to know about us so when she goes over there to visit she's single. And her dad, being the pushy man he is, sets her up on dates which gets my blood boiling.

I run my hand through my hair trying not to bring up the subject of her dad. "Uh-"

"What are you think about."

Well good thing she notices because I needed to ask her. "What if- what if we went forward as a couple you know and your dad you know. What happens with your dad."

Diamond shrugs. "Does it matter?"

"Yes Diamond!" I snap but noticing her eyes jumping I take a breath. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. It's just... it makes me so mad! Thanksgivings coming up again and you'll go over there and probably on another date! I don't want to be hidden Diamond."

Diamond looks at me trying to see my point and I see that she relies how she'd hurt me. I'm not sad mostly mad at how she can spend three weeks over there and won't even mention my name.

"I don't know how to tell my dad Jake."

I look away from her for a second thinking about how it would be if Diamond told him. "Can't you just tell him please. For me?"

Diamond holds my hand tightly then nods. "Yeah I'll tell him.".

"You promise?" I know she won't tell him.

Diamond widens her eyes like she has an idea. She straightens up and leans into me. "Come with me! This Thanksgiving and we'll tell him and he'll see us together."

I nod. I've been waiting to have a man to man talk with him. "Yeah."

After our talk Diamond goes in the closet to change for working out and I leave to go to a jewelry designer. I know her ring size and what type of ring she likes. I'm still somewhat mad at Diamond but not as much to alter our future.

I drive to a designer that I've known for a while. We have a conversation about Diamond, her personality, what she like, how out-there she is. When I leave I take a book of his custom rings he's done before. I'll show them to Diamond and see what thing she like and hates. But I'll be subtle, can't be to obvious.

When I get home I call out for Diamond and she comes running down the stairs. I notice her sports bra and spandex shorts. when she gets even closer I see the tiny beads of sweat on her forehead.

"I'm trying to workout." Hhe wipes her forehead with her hand. "Sorry that's gross."

I chuckle and lead her to the couch. We sit down facing each other. Since I made her sit she stares at me waiting for a comment.

See me and Diamond have been talking about getting married just in what if situations. But we still talk about it and so when I show her the book she doesn't look at me crazy.

"Where'd you get this." She holds it up and I can already see her eyes staring at how beautiful the rings are.

"I went to lunch with my friend and he's getting married soon. He looks at me in a brotherly way and was wondering when I'm getting married. I know we aren't now but he said girls like to look at them."

Diamond looks at me blushing. "Are you planning on it Jacob?" She giggles at me.

I shrug. "We're together. What will a ring say really?" That's the biggest lie I've ever told. Ever.

Diamond nods awkwardly. "I got you something."

She picks up her laptop from the table and snuggles up to me. While Diamond looks through her email inbox I play with her ponytail.

"Jake." She shows me an email and my face lights up when I see a confirmation of two tickets to California. "And your green smoothie is in the fridge."

"How much did you make?" I'm only asking because last time she made barely a teaspoon of smoothie.

She turns to me laughing. "Shut up. I made a lot."

"Did you fuck up the kitchen."

"No Jacob!" She climbs over to me then runs to the kitchen. She comes back with a plate of brownies smiling. "Take one."

I shake my head to bother her. "No. I want the smoothie."

"But I made these off of this recipe I found and they're so good! I swear you'll love them!"

I'm laugh and shake my head. "Diamond I don't want one."

She pouts. "Please?"

"Eh. No."

Diamond sighs and goes back to the kitchen. I follow her in there two minutes later and she's sitting down eating a brownie.

I snatch the brownie out her mouth. "Yo don't you think you are putting on weight?"

D's jaw drops. "That's so fucking mean!"

I go over to her and hug her even though she's punching me. "I'm joking."

"Oh." she stops then laughs. "Will you eat my brownie then?"

I shove the brownie she was eating in my mouth. "Yummy!" I squeal.

Diamond rolls her eyes. "They're that bad?"

I shake my head kissing her forehead. "They're amazing."

She laughs and I see how happy she is. "Okay good."

I sit down next to her and turn facing her. My eyes wander all over her faca until the point where she laughs at me.

Diamond gets up and sits on my lap. "Jacob?"


Her arms wrap loosely around my neck "If we got, I don't know, married I guess would you want like kids and stuff."

I nod smiles at her. "Yeah. If we were to got married. How many kids would you want?"

Diamond looks up thinking and I kiss her cheek. "I would want four kids."

I smile and nod. "That's possible."


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I'm gonna put the bunny's name in the next chapter don't worry.
Thank you all for voting and commenting on the last chapter 😊 it made me so so happy!!

I already started the next chapter but what do you think will happen with Diamond's dad!?

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