Change of Mood

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-Jacob's POV

I run down the halls of a hospital with my heart beating rapidly. My feet stump over each other as I dodge people to get through as quick as I can. Once I slam into the front decks I take the first deep breath I took in half an hour.

"I'm looking for Diamond Chester's room." I practically yell at the lady. She gives me the direction and again I'm in the hallway breathless and dodging more people.

It seems that all that running and speeding in my car was useless. Once I get in front the door to where Diamond is it seems impossible to turn the nob. My lip shivers imagining how hard it's gonna be for me to take in Diamond in a hospital bed.

The door opens as I stand outside the door. A nurse in purple scrubs walks out and looks at me. She steps around me and I see Diamond laying there half asleep. I jog over to her looking down at her bandaged wrist.

Diamond started cutting herself again and it went to far. Luckily Miranda found her on the bathroom floor passed out before the worst happened. She's been hospitalized for three days and I only found out about it a little while ago. We just haven't been talking.
I don't know what has happened to her but she won't talk to Miranda about it and so she called me.

Diamond starts coughing and I rush over to her. Once she sees me her eyes jump suddenly. "What are you doing here?" She sits up and wraps her arms around herself. I place my hand on her leg and she turns her head away from me.

I sigh lightly. "Diamond are you okay?"

Diamond groans annoyed. "I'm in the fucking hospital."

"Why did you cut yourself D!" I yell at her because it's stressful to be around someone who doesn't know how much they hurt the others around them.

"Steve raped me Jacob." She mutters and looks up at me with eyes the crush me. "Three times. I tried locking my door but he paid the landlord to give him a key and he caught me when I was in the hallway. I'm so scared. I don't want to be here Jacob. I don't like my life."

I stand still in complete shock. First she tells me she's been raped and next she tells me she doesn't like life. How could Steve do this to her. I should have been there for her.

I wrap my arms around her and look down. I look at the needles in her arm and clip around her finger. "I'm sorry. I should have came and checked on you."

"No you shouldn't have. I'm suppose to be able to defend myself-"

"But you can't! And I know that. I should have been there. You should have called me."

Diamond stays silent while playing with the blanket. I rub my hand up and down her arm. Diamond moves from my grip then sits on her feet to look at me. She hugs me and from how surprised I am I don't hug her back as quickly as I would other times.

Her arms wrap around me for awhile and its nice to have her close to me. I would expect her to break down but I'm happy she realizes I'm here for her. When we pull away from our hug her lunch comes in.

The nurse brings in a tray of food and places it on the bed. We both thank her and she leaves. Diamond looks down at the assortment of food sullenly.

"Don't like it?" I say chuckling.

Diamond shakes her head. "I hate this."
I stand up and grab my jacket. "I'll get you some food."

"Wait! I'll go with you."

I raise my eyebrow. "You can checkout of the hospital?"

"Yeah. I was waiting for Miranda to call and tell you. I was too scared to call you."


She shrugs. "I don't know."

Diamond slides of the hospital bed and looks at me giggling. I laugh looking at her hospital gown on her. She looks down at the needle in her arm and finger clip on her. "I don't know how to-"

"I'll get a nurse."

Diamond nods and I go out the room ready to leave this place. Once I find one she helps Diamond out. I place my coat on her and zip it up. It takes us a minute to check out but I can see how excited Diamond is to leave the place.
We hold hands while we walk to the parking lot.

"Do you think we could go to your place?" Diamond ask and I know exactly why.

I nod and bring her hand up so I could kiss the back. "Yeah. Your safe with me."

Diamond nods smiling. She turns to me and kisses my cheek. I blush and reach down to tickle her. My hands slip inside her coat and she bust out laughing. "Jacob stop!" She yells loudly and tries holding me down. "Jacob!"

She turns and I only get a better position to tickle her. She tries tickling me but luckily I'm only ticklish on my feet. I stick my tongue out at her as her fingers scramble over my body.

I stop and let her take a breath.
Diamond runs away from me and I chase her. She spots my car in the parking lot and races me to it. She wins but obviously I have the keys so she has to wait on me. I slowly walk to her and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Come one Jacob hurry up!" Ha she's irritated. "Jake it's cold."

"You're wearing my jacket." I look down at my short sleeve and jeans. "I'm not complaining."

She starts taking my jacket off but I rush over to her and hold it to her shoulders. "No I'm just kidding." I laugh.

Diamond grabs the car keys out of my hand and unlocks the door. She goes into the car and calmly sits in the driver's seats.

"We've went over this Diamond. You sit over there." I point to the passenger seat.

Diamond laughs and shakes her head. "What if I don't want to."

I suck my teeth and take the keys from her. I start the car then put the heat and both car seat heaters on. "Diamond come on now." I pout looking at her and she giggles.

"Okay fine." She crawls over there and I laugh at how funny she looks in the hospital gown. Good thing she didn't get the one with her ass out.

Diamond sits in the chair and she looks out the window. I go into the jeep and start driving. I can tell both of us were on the fact that Diamond was raped by someone that was so close to her. I know they weren't the closest friends but he has been her neighbor ever since she's moved to New York.

I'm gonna kill him.
So Diamonds change of mood was really sudden rightttttt. One minute she crying then the next she's giggling with Jacob. Was she putting up a front so she could look happy😯? Is Diamond still depressed😔?

Thank you guys for reading and voting!! I wuv you guys 💗!

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