New Hiding Spot

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-Jacob's POV

I open my eyes and looks over at the time. Shit! I have rehearsal today. I get out of bed running into the bathroom probably waking Diamond in the process. I quickly wash under my arms, apply deodorant, throw on sweatpants and grab my phone. Diamond was sitting up casually not really saying anything. I look over to her and she's on vine giggling lightly.

"Diamond I'll see you at midnight probably." I kiss her and she pushes me away.

"I think you forgot to brush you teeth."

I chuckle a little embarrassed and run into the bathroom brushing. When I'm done I do a check and spray some cologne on. I go over to Diamond and she looks me up and down.

"Do I look okay?"

Diamond smiles. "Your shirt is dirty."

I groan changing then kissing Diamond goodbye. "Go! You're late!"

"Okay. I love you."

She nods. "Good luck."

I smile and leave the hotel room. I turn back and run to Diamond. I pick her up and really kiss her. She pulls away then pecks my nose. She jumps down and pushes me out the door.

"I love you but you are gonna be late."

I laugh. "I thought you would actually want me to stay here."

"But you have to go!" She giggles.

I turn around and looks at her beautiful face. "I'm nervous."

She pecks my lips. "Don't be. Everything is going to be okay."

I nod mooching her face together. "I wish you could be there."

"Jacob go! You'll be late."

I nod and head out the door saying bye over and over to her. When the hotel door closes I bite my bottom lip nervously. I really hope I still got skills. When I pull up to the studio I get nervous. I look over seeing Roc Royal's car. I step into the dance studio and see two cops in the corner. Oh shit.

Ray comes over to me giving me a bear hug. I miss this dude like crazy. "I miss you." He says in my ear.

"This is a bit gay isn't it?" We both start cracking up. We pull away and do our hand shake. He steps into me whispering.

"It's about Diamond." I didn't get it but the cops are coming over to me so I certainly understand now.

"Good morning Mr. Perez." One cop says.

Ray scratches his head awkwardly. "Imma go get some water."

I nod to him and turn my head back to the cops really paying attention. "Good morning Mr... Cops?"

"So you've been away for a while haven't you?"

I nod. "I've been spending some time doing my own thing."

"With Diamond." One cuts in.

I shrug looking down. "We broke up before I left. I wanted her to come with me but... I guess she didn't feel the same as me."

"So you haven't seen her?"

I shake my head. "I wish man. I'm sorry I don't know anything. I saw she's missing. Do you... uh have any idea. I mean I know we aren't together but I sort of love her I guess."

"If you loved her why'd you leave her?" Cop#2 Questions.

"I was sick of this place and everyone that came with living in LA. I regret not taking her. At least she would be safe."

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