In Contact

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-Jacob's POV

Me and Diamond are sitting down online shopping together. She was on my lap as I scroll down watching the screen.

"Wait!" she screams out taking my wrist in her hand.

I stop and she looks at the shirt. "You like?"

She shakes her head. "No never mind."

I laugh. "I'm gonna make a sandwich. You want one?"

Diamond shakes her head. "I'm gonna go in our room I wanna lay down." She picks the laptop and runs down the hall.

"WEIRDO!" I yell because of how she ran.

She comes back down the hall then looks at me. "Shut up." she instructs me then goes back towards our room.

After my beautiful sandwich is done I sit on the couch watching tv. I laugh at the idiots on the screen. I hear some weird noise behind the sound of the tv. I turn the tv on mute and hear Diamond crying. I jump out of my seat rushing to the room.

Diamond turns to me with heavy tears flooding her face. My eye pop out of my head and I only get it until I see her dad's face on the computer screen. I go over to her and she wraps her arms around me crying into my chest. My baby's sad.

"What happen?"


Diamonds head was laying on my stomach as she cried her eyes out. My fingers run through her hair while she slowly breaks down. She takes a hold of my shirt scrunching it with her hand. I can't image how much pain she's going through. I just wish I can help her.

Diamond's crying because of everything I guess you can say. I didn't really notice that she hasn't shed one tear about her dad since we've been here. I should have thought about her more. I should have did so much things so this wouldn't have happen. How could I think she would be okay with this.

Her dad did this interview begging her "kidnapper" to bring her back home. Her dad believes that she has been kidnapped the whole time which is why if someone catches her on the street it's going to be a huge problem but he also thinks that I ran away and took her with me. He's hysterically crying in video and calling her baby bear which is some name he called her when she was little.

"Diamond it's okay." I say trying to ease her mood.

She sits up looking at me. It crushes me to see her face puffy and her eyes blood red. "It's not okay! For once you can't say it's okay because it's not! He's my dad... I did that to him. I left him. I broke his heart-"

"No you didn't."

"Then why would he say it in his interview. He told the lady that his heart it broken, that he cries all night not knowing if I'm safe. How could I hurt him so badly? All he ever did was love me and I do this to him. I'm a horrible person."

"Diamond it's alright."

She shakes her head

Diamond looks down and I see her tears fall off her cheek and onto the bed. "I shouldn't have walked out on him like that." She gets up and search through her clothes. I call her name out but she was crying way to heavy to hear me.

I go behind her and place my hand on her shoulder. "Diamond what are you looking for?"

She turns around nervously. "My dad he gave me his shirt when I was little because I missed him when I went to my moms house and I brought it... well I think I brought it. No! I did bring it I just lost it." she says frantically. "I really really want it." She barely got her words out through her short gasp for air.

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