It's Okay

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-Diamond's POV

I lay back on the hospital bed waiting for answers. My stomach pains ease but Jacob's sweat levels raise. He rubs my hands with his thumb and I'm tempted to pull away from him but he's more nervous than me.

I admit that my stomach ache was just cramps, that's what I believe. When I interrupted Jacob's sleep I felt as if I was going to die but now I realize it was something regular. When Jacob started to have a mini heart attack talking about taking me to the hospital I tried backing out of it but he basically dragged me to the car.

The doctor appears and Jacob leans forward ready to hear him. He gives us a soft smile through his old wrinkled face. "So tell me what happened."

"Well I-"

"She has stomach pains and she's pregnant so I brought her down here." Jacob's voice rattles and his grip of my hand tightens.

"Show me where." The doctor ask and he goes on examining me. After five minutes he nods and removes his hands from my baby bump. "It was probably nothing but a usual stomach ache. You'll be fine."

Jacob squeezes my hand. "The baby wasn't affected?"

"If you don't mind me saying this, you look a bit stressed out dear." The doctor lays his hand on my shoulder and I look to Jacob. "Stress is so important to stay away from. It can effect your baby's brain cells, the baby has a lack of oxygen and more. It very important for you blood pressure to stay normal. Please don't let people stand in the way of your child's health."

Both me and Jacob nod awkwardly knowing that we always get this advice.

We drive home in silence. I think both of us were scared to start a convo because it may led to a fight. We walk in and Jacob rushes to help me take off my coat. He stands in front of me and lays his hand on my stomach. "I was so nervous." He states the obvious and kisses me.

I nod and giggle. "I peeped."

"Peep game strong." He chuckles and tickles me. I laugh in his arm and run through the house and end up in the kitchen. "Come here!" Jacob yells.

"No I don't want you to tickle me." I wrap my arms around myself as a barrier.

He sighs and opens his arms. "Can I give the women who's carrying my child a hug?"

I shake my head. "Nope."

Jacob walks over to me anyways and tackle me with a gentle hug, making sure not to put pressure on my stomach. He kisses my cheek and down my arms to the back of my hands. "You know I was think a lot about you and I'm sorry. Seeing you in pain and in the hospital really made me realize that at any day you could be gone. My aunt died after she gave birth and if that happens to you--" he trails off and tries to say his words but he can't get it out.

I place my hand on his shoulder. "It okay."

He clears his throat me I see him crying. He wipes it with an embarrassed smile. "I didn't want to cry in front of you. I'm such a pussy. But promise me you'll make it through labor and after and make it till we're eighty and old. I wanna be there when you discover your first gray hair and when your face drops when your relaxed and when you need me to pull on your socks because you can't bend down. So make it."

"Jake you're scaring me." I push his shoulder back.

He chuckles lightly. "I know. But I'll look into some health pregnant lady foods, and pregnant yoga, and those mother and father classes. Okay?" I smile and nod my head.

"Okay Jacob." I start getting us sodas and Jacob throws them away. "Jake!"

"Soda can't be anywhere healthy for a baby. Gets some water." He puts the trash can in front of the fridge and dumps all the can soda, protein juice, and anything that he sees as dangerous. I roll my eyes and pout while reaching for a bottle of water. Ten minutes later I look in the fridge and see barely anything in there. I groan and lean against the counter. Jacob comes in front of me and brushes my hair back with his fingers. "Tired?"

"Very." I lean into him.

Jacob bends down and picks me up. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. When we reach our room he lays me on the and crawls over me. He kisses me and starts whispering in my ear. My cheeks turn a bright red and I giggle. Jacob removes his shirt and leans down kissing my neck. "Love you."


Short but I'm planning on updating either tonight or tomorrow.
And I just want to say how happy I am to have everyone voting and commenting! Thank you so much!! 😘😘

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