Guess Who's Home

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-Diamond's POV

Chanel is coming today. She'll be here in like ten minutes and Jacob isn't even here. Such bullshit. He went out because his manager called him. I'm so mad. I did make dinner for her even though I wanted to spit in it but that's to much.

I'm on the couch watching tv but the door opens. My heart stops when I hear a girl sigh. "PRINCY I'M HOME!"

"Shit." I whisper to myself. I hear her heels run towards me and I sink into the couch. What should I do? Should I run. The back door is open. I'm about to run. On 3 Diamond 1...2...

"PRINCY!" She screams and I sit up on the couch then turn around to her smiling awkwardly. "Who the fuck are you?!"

"I'm... the new cook." Oh I really wish I said I'm the new girlfriend you bitch. But I didn't.

She raises a eyebrow. "My bubble bee doesn't need a cook. There is a Chinese place down the street." Look at how unhealthy. She wants to kill the man.

"Um his manager called me. She thinks he needs more nutrition-"

"Wait." She puts her hand up. "Like why do I feel like I know you?"

I chuckle nervously. How bad would it look if she remembers me from the diner. "I just have one of those faces."

"Omg you totally do. Well where's bumble bee."

"Right here!" And there Jacob is behind her. I sigh in relief. Thank goodness he came. I thought she'd find out about something. I scan the room just making sure they're aren't any signs that me and him have left around. Maybe I should check his bedroom. I look back at them and bite my lip feeling my eyes water. They're kissing and I know technically I shouldn't be that jealous but I'm not happy about it.

Chanel's back was facing me and I could see Jacob's closed eyes. He was way into the kiss and its pissing me off. I get up and walk past them going up the stairs.

"Diamond." I hear him call out.

I clear my throat that's in complete knots. "Yes Mr. Perez?"

He looks at me with soft eye like he's trying to tell me something but I couldn't careless about what he has to tell me. He notices that I just want to leave and shakes his head smiling slightly. "Never mind."

I run up the stairs going into his room. He never cleans his room. I start making the bed and see my underwear under the sheets. I continue cleaning and collect my clothes. As I'm going across the hall with my clothes Jacob is coming up the stairs. I try hurrying into my room but I stump my toe on the door frame experiencing the worst pain and drop the clothes.

"Why me!" I mumble.

Jake comes over to me laughing. "You okay?"

"The fuck you laughing at?" I ignore my toe and pick the clothes off the floor.

He follows me into my room. I throw my clothes on the bed making sure my back is to him.

"Are you mad at me?" He must be an idiot.

I shrug. "I don't know Jacob." I say sarcastically.

He puts his hand on my waist turning me around. His lips crash into mine and I push him off of me. Jacob falls into the dresser looking at me shocker. "D come on. You can't be serious."

I roll my eyes feeling tears in my eyes. "Just go away Jacob."

"You knew this was coming."

I sit on the bed wiping under my eyes. "I thought it would be different."

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