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-Jacob's POV

For some reason Diamond won't talk to me at all. Its been a week and I get not even a picked up phone call. What did I do? Maybe her dad took away her phone or something. It has to be her dad's fault Diamond won't just ignore me on purpose. Right?

I don't understand how she can be so distant from me after everything we've been through. I just don't get it. Could she be possibly as hurt as I am right now? I'm going crazy just because I can't see her. All our plans she hasn't showed up at all. I stay for hours waiting for her and getting nothing.

I can take it anymore. I'm going over there. I drive down to her house praying her dad isn't there. He's the brick wall separating me and my love.

I knock on the door silently praying that he's at work or something. Diamond's stepmother opens the door and her pleasant face that I'm used to getting fades into a look of hatred. Have I really hurt everyone that bad? The door begins closing but I block it with my hand.

"Please. Just let me explain." I say pleading. I have to see Diamond.

She stops and looks down. "You have two minutes."

"Okay I know I took Diamond away and probably made you guys shed a lot of tears. Everyone must have been worried sick but I was to selfish to share her with everybody. I see that I was being a complete jackbutt back then. I just haven't spoken to Diamond in a week and I feel like something is eating me inside. Can I please speak to her? Please?"

"I don't-"

"Mrs. Chester please! I'm a good guy you know that. I've made poor choices over the past few months but I never stopped protecting and loving Diamond... I just wanna see her."

She takes a deep sigh and opens the door more. She welcomes me in and I sigh. Finally. I can already feel all of my stress lifting off my shoulders. I'm closer to her that I've been in a while. I get that it's just a week but with how close we were a week feels like an eternity.

Diamond slowly walks down the stairs with a towel wrapped around her drenched body. I watch water drops falling down her sweet skin and the glow of her wet hair. She's so beautiful.

"Hey Jenny do you know where-" her jaw locks when she sees me. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to speak to you."

Diamond shakes her head. "If I wanted to speak to you then I would have picked up the thousands of calls. Don't you get that?"

Diamond runs up the stairs and before I can take in everything she is saying I race after her. She runs into her room slamming her door in my face. I quickly open it and walk in closing it behind me.


Tears fall from her perfect eyes making me melt. "You cheated on me."

I step closer to her reaching my hand on her damp shoulder. "No I haven't."

"Yes you did. Amber told me that you and Beauty hooked up and you were bragging about it to Roc and he told Amber."

"And you believe that bullshit?"

She sits on her bed looking down. "I don't know. I don't know if I trust you that much."

I sit down next to her. "Amber is just mad that Roc dumped her the first chance he got. She's just jealous of our relationship. She always has been. Don't listen to that."

Diamond turns to me with her glistening eyes. "You didn't even say that you didn't."

I sigh and run hand through my hair. "Does it matter?"

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