Love In The Air

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-Princeton's POV

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I yelled at Diamond making sure my veins popped out of my neck and my fist ball up.

Diamond covers her eyes and makes sobbing noises. "Fine Princeton I'll leave."

D gets up and drags her feet over to the door carrying her head low. I smirk watching her waiting for her to turn around. She slowly turns around on her heels lowly laughing. I spread my arms out for her to come to me and she jump in them holding me tightly.

I look at the tears on her face smiling. "Aww babe were you actually crying?"

Diamond nods giggling. "I wanted to be a good impression of Chanel."

I kiss her nose. "Another week and she'll be out."

"You'll make her cry?" She ask smirking. Damn she's evil.

I shake my head poking my lips out. "No I'm not."

"Awwwwwwwww that sucks!" D groans and hopped on my lap.

"I know!" I make fun off her. "But I'm not gonna yell at Chanel to get the fuck out. I'll calmly talk to her."

Diamond unwraps her hand from around me and sticks her pinky in front me. "Promise?"

I smile and wrap my pink around hers. "Promise." I bring our hands to my lips and kiss her finger. Diamond giggles and pull our hands away from me so she can give my pinky finger a peck.

"Good." We both say in unison.

"Jakey?" She ask while playing with my lips. I know she wants these full, beautiful lips.

I bite her finger gently and she squeals. "What you want Princess?"

"Can you get me a sweater please?" I tilt my head down and see her bra and underwear set. Which by the way has sweets all over them. Not sexy but sexy.

I shake my head. "Why would you wanna cover up the cupcakes."

She shoves my shoulder. "Ehh shut it! You always piss me off."

She gets up off of me and tries to walk away from me. I hop up out of the bed and stretch my arms out so I can bring her back. D falls back into me laughing courageously. We start rolling around on the bed like idiots. "WE DO THIS TO MUCH!" Diamond yells only because she was pinned down and she wasn't gonna get up. Sore loser.

"But you know why we do this." I hold her cheeks tight and lean down to kiss her while she laughs.

"So you could kiss me?"

I nod and wink at her. "Anyways I bought you something."

"You did! Where is it!" She looks around the room as if she knows what she's looking for.

"It's in my pants which are on the ground... the ones you threw."

Let me just rant about how annoying Diamond is. She won't let me hit it. We are like always naked and touching but I don't get past those panties if you get me. Mind you she takes off my clothes to but still nothing. We'll be on the verge then Diamond will do something for me to stop or piss me off. Once I was kissing all on her and then she starts talking about my family and how can you be thinking about your grandma and kissing someone's neck. But if you know me I didn't stop kissing her so she burped right in my ear with no excuse me or nothing. So we had an argument about that because I told her about herself and she got mad. She wears unattractive clothes so I won't try but I do(ex. Long ass night gowns, didn't even know they still sell those). She picks fights with me all the time because it always gets me to quit. I can name so many bullshit getaways that she's given me. I don't know if she's mad at me because of something I did. Or it's because of Chanel which makes more sense.

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