We Won't Make It

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-Jacob's POV

Diamond's new thing is baking when she is mad, let me add that they're seven different pies in the kitchen fridge.

After I told her I was happy we aren't married she hasn't talked to me. I can't even get a good morning baby out of her. She's mute, sometimes I wonder if her tongue is chopped off. I wish she would stop being so mean and listen to me. The sad thing is that the only way I get to hear a word out of her is when we're fighting.

I hear her in the kitchen and jog down the steps seeing her decorating cupcakes. I stand next to her looking down at how talented she is and smile. "They're cute." I point to a Mickey Mouse one that she did.

Diamond keeps looking forward, ignoring me. She continues with placing a flower thing on the cupcake making it look pretty. I can see how much attention she's putting into what she's doing so I grab the cupcake from her hand. Diamond jumps and tries to fight me for the cupcake. It's fun to interact with her so I don't give up and we keep pulling a cupcake. But sadly a cupcake is but a cupcake so it crumbs in our hands and lands face down on the floor. Diamond's face drops and she throws everything out her hand. She storms off and I follow her.

She groans in the living room and when we get upstairs she is basically screaming. "What the hell? It was a cupcake Diamond." I say to vex her.

She stops in her tracks and turns to me with her arms crossed. I can see her trying to hold her tongue but she can't. "ALL I HAD WAS BAKING!" She yells and it's as if she gone crazy. "Can I at least have a cupcake to myself?" I find it amusing how she can't say cupcake without popping her eyes out of her head.

"Why are you so mad?" I ask.

Diamond shakes her head. "That cupcake was my favorite one! I made those petals! Did you know how long it took me? No! Because you don't care." She turns around and crosses her arms.

I look down at her smirking slightly from cute she is when she's mad. Diamond starts walking away but I jump in front of her to stop her. Diamond's usually tired face turns down and she tries going around me but it doesn't work.

"Move!" She mutters through her clenched teeth.

I sigh and place my hand on her shoulders. "Can I take you on a date?" It seems like the best thing for her to do. Maybe she just wants to be out the house having fun then her anger will come off of me. She's just nervous and doesn't know how to tell me how she feels.

To my surprise Diamond shakes her head and starts to walk around me. "Baby, baby, baby." I bring her back in front of me. "I wanna take you out." I'm determined to.

Diamond rolls her eyes. "No."

"Stop being so mean." I chuckle and kiss her getting a unexpected kiss back. "Oh you wanna kiss me?" I trail kisses down her neck and she moan lightly.

Diamond looks down acting like a shy baby. I raise her chin up and she leans into kiss me before I can even blink. We wrap our arms around each other and start backing up into the bedroom. Diamond stops once she feels the bed behind her. She quickly gets up and walks out the room leaving me there. I storm after her and grab her arm.

"The fuck D!" I yell out frustrated. "Ever since you found out you're pregnant we haven't been happy! Diamond come on." I attempt to pull her to me by her arm but she shake it out my grip.

"No, I don't wanna be with you." She says lowly but high enough for me to hear.

I step back and put my hands up surrendering. I'm done with wanting her to open up to me. She can roll into a ball somewhere and call me when she's in labor. I don't think we'll make it as a couple anymore. "Fine then."

Diamond tries stepping into the room but I block her way. If she doesn't wanna be with me then she doesn't have to sleep with me. "Since you don't feel comfortable with me I think it would be good if you sleep in the guest room."

"Jacob move." She fights to get around me but I don't let her pass. Diamond looks up at tiredly . "I'm just sick of fighting. Can I at least go into my room Jake."

"I think it would make us both uncomfortable. We both need rest don't you think?"

Diamond shakes her head and walks down the hallway. I could see she would fight with me but it must be exhausting to argue while pregnant. We both need sleep and peace.

As I'm in my deep sleep I hear Diamond calling out for me. I squint open my eyes and turn to the time. "Diamond go back to bed its three a.m., we need to sleep." When she doesn't answer back I hear her crying. "What is it D?"

She continues weeping and it annoys the shit out of me. I flick on the lamp and raise up seeing her sick face and clutched stomach. Her tears fall down her face and I notice she's serious, it's not just Diamond's pity tears. Her face tells me she's in pains so I run to her looking down and she groans. She lays her forehead against my chest. "My stomach Jake."


What will happen next??

Our Not So Perfect Runaway StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin