Thanksgiving Twist

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-Jacob's POV

Thanksgiving is suppose to be a time to get together with your loved ones and be thankful for all you have. You eat pie and turkey, watch football and movies, share stories and laughs. But me, being in this idiots house, I have to suffer through this torture. Diamond gets a bit leeway but I am the devil in her father's eye so I am basically treated like one.

If it's not one thing it's another. If he sees us sitting to close its a problem, if my hand isn't being shown 24/7 there is a problem, if I walk a certain way it's a problem. There is almost like he has this place wired with cameras so when I make a slip (and by slip I mean be near my girlfriend) he can come running to tell me what I've done wrong.

I'm sick of this house and I know Diamond is but the fact is that I wanted to come here. Diamond didn't. I just don't want it to seem as if I'm giving up on her. Her dad is apart of Diamonds package (family, friends, flaws, perfections) and if I can't deal with 100% of her life then how will she ever completely trust me. Of course if Diamond wants to leave here and go to a hotel my bags will be packed in under a second.

But for now it's Thanksgiving day and I'm stuck here at a table with my enemy, my girlfriends father.

I guess because it's a holiday and it's a get together he gave me a break. That doesn't mean I don't get glares when I lean a little to close to Diamond but no insults, well direct insults I should say.

"Are we gonna sit in silence the whole time?" She whispers to me and all I can do is shrug.

Her father, being nosey sticks his head in. "What was that? I didn't hear you over Jacob's cologne."

"Dick." I whisper under my breath.

Diamond sighs and sits back in her chair. "You obviously don't care about me."

"Please Diamond that's absurd. I'd do anything for you. Accept approve such a unfit lover into your life."

Diamond's hand goes on my knee under the table. "Well I'm marrying him."

"You believe it'll last? How naive are you Diamond? Can you at least put yourself on the market for guys that aren't complete assholes?"

"He's not an asshole!" She spits back at him but I'm at the point where I don't care. His words are simply words and if I wasn't dating his daughter he'd probably think of me as God given.

"You two are full of lust." He comments once I wrap my arm around her waist without even a thought about him in my head.

Diamond gets up and it seems as if she is going to storm away but once a smirk forms on her face I know something bad will happen. She leans down on me sitting on my lap. From my shock I start shocking a little but clear up my throat once I see her sensational eyes. Her hands brush along the frame of my face and she starts tongue kissing me. I do get that her dad is here so might as well show him a show.

Sadly Diamond parts lips with me and I see the reason. Her stepmother tugs on her arm more for her to raise to her feet. When she get what she want they both flee to the kitchen leaving me and Mr. Chester alone in pure tension.

His eyes are sharp on mine and he groans loudly. "Well children will be children."

"Except we aren't children." I correct him.

"Only a child would call what you two have love. Why do you even want my daughter? Is it to torture me? Are you running broke? What could you possibly want from my Diamond?"

I sigh. "I love your daughter. I don't know how many times I can say it but I love her to the moon and back twice."

He shakes his head. "No Diamond isn't as special as you thinks. She's not pretty enough for you. You are such a popular, rich, good looking man you deserve more. Go out and find an actress that has special talents or a singer. Not plain old Diamond." He shakes his head. "Someone else."

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