No More Ex

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-Ray's POV

I can't believe that little girl. Diamond has some nerve and she didn't even tell me! Miranda told me about Diamond and I'm not gonna let this slid, no way. Apparently at the diner more than half the girl do the nasty with the customers and now Diamond has joined. Her boss is a dickhead. I'm gonna kill the nigga.

One in the morning and I'm sitting in Diamond's apartment waiting for her to come home. She better bring her ass home. Fuck it I'm tired. I lay down on her couch and drift to sleep.

Something makes me jump out of my sleep and I see Diamond by the door. I groan and look at the time.

"Five am Diamond!" I get up throwing the blanket off of me.

Diamonds eyes jump and she instantly wipes under her eyes. "What?"

I hop off the couch seeing some purple mark on her cheek. "What the fuck!" I grab her chin rougher then I attended and turn her head from side to side.

"Could you just stop!" She pushes my chest back off of her and starts taking off her heels. "It's just a little bruise."

"It covers half your face!" I can't believe her.

She turns to me sighing. "Rodger said that everyone has one bad client. I'm okay really."




Diamond looks down taking a deep breath. "Ray you have to stop acting like you're my father. I'm grown. I love you to death but really Ray. You stayed at my apartment for me to get home?"

I don't know if you guys picked up but I love Diamond. More than I probably should. I don't want her sleeping with any guys, she should be with me. I mean she shouldn't. But she should. I just don't know. I'm confused. Last time we went together I hurt her really bad and I'm not gonna do that anymore. I've been trying to play our relationship off as fuck buddies but it's really difficult for me. I try to get her off my mind by being with Miley but no one compares to her.

"Fuck Diamond don't you get that I care about you." I lean against the wall crossing my arms. "Is it bad that I want to be here for you? I just wanna support you and-"

Diamond hugs me and I shut up. I sigh while bringing her closer to me. "Thank you for always being there Ray." Her eyes looked in mine and I brush her hair back.

Tell her Ray! Tell her how much you love her. "You're welcome."

She steps away from me and walks in the kitchen. "So are you hungry."

"Diamond I didn't come over here to talk about food."

"But I have tacos." She smiles and raises the taco shells in the air. "Babe you know I make the best tacos. Don't act-"

"Diamond. Why are you walking the streets?"

She shakes her head. "It's nothing like that Ray. Rodger just comes to me and tells me and I go. I'm not on some side walk."

"You're still a prostitute! Diamond you don't have to do this. Look you got a couple job interviews last time. They might still want you."

Diamond sighs and leans against the counter. "I have a job Ray. People want me."

"All for the wrong reasons Diamond." I go over to her taking her hand. "Diamond baby I know it's been hard for you losing Princeton, I know he hurt you but those guys out there aren't gonna fix anything." I can. "Please stop this. I never wanted you to not do something this badly before. You used to be so full of life and now it's gone. I know you don't like doing this, you came home crying. I wanna see you happy again."

Sighs then smiles. "So how many tacos did you say you wanted?"

"Diamond! You're not listening to me!"

She groans. "I am Ray."

There's a pause of silence. Both of us staring at each other.

"I'm in love with you Diamond." I kiss her lips slowly and she doesn't kiss back for a while. I pull away from her and see her blank face.

"You mean as more than a fuck buddy?" She ask confused. "I thought you didn't want us together."

My hand wraps around Diamond's neck and I nod. "D will you go out with me."

Diamond cracks a smile. "Yeah." Her arms swig over me and I lift her off the ground holding her tight.

-Jacob's POV

I walk down the stairs seeing the last person I wanna see, Chanel. I'm so sick of feeling horrible about what I've said the Diamond. I miss her to death. Yeah Chanel's a caring super model but Diamond is Diamond and that's not a bad thing, it an amazing this. I love her. I've always loved her. I took my eyes off the prize and got screwed. I think of her everyday, how her hair falls, how her cheeks turn red, how she looks at me. I took that for granted. I don't mean to treat Diamond badly, looking back at how I did treat her I don't expect her to give me another chance. But I'm gonna hope she does.

"Look bumble bee I made you spaghetti!" She rushes over to me holding some in a fork. "I know you are upset about the chef leaving so I tried."

I smile at how sweet she is. "Thanks Chanel."

"Now open up!" I open my mouth and get the worst taste of spaghetti ever.

"Yum." I clear my throat. "It's great babe."

I remember when me and Diamond use to make spaghetti when we ran away. For awhile it was like the only thing we ate but she always made it better each and every time. I wish we could runaway again. Just me and her.


What do you think about Ray and Diamond?

Who likes them together????

Who hates them together????

Diamond and Princeton


Diamond and Ray

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