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-Jacob's POV

I walk back in the room to see Diamond fully clothed. She pulls the sheets off my bed and drops them in the corner of my room.

"Where you going?" I ask while looking at her confused.

She looks at me and I see the glossy touch of tears in her eyes. She must have thought that some how I would be back with Chanel but I'm committed to Diamond. "Jacob if you don't want this-"

"Diamond I want this." I step over to her and take her warm hand in mine. "I mean it when I say I love you. I'm over being stupid and careless. I know what I want. I'm in love with you D."

Diamond sits on the bare mattress and I take a seat next to her. "I'm sorry. I thought that since Chanel came back-"
"No." I shake my head and lean more to her. All I want is her trust.

"But what if she comes back. Into your life like I did, say three years from now, and we maybe had a disagreement would you go to Chanel?"

I shake my head looking straight forward. "I can't believe after all we've been through you still see me as a bad guy." I understand we haven't been in like a five year relationship yet but after all the happy times we've shared recently she still can't trust me.

"Well you hurt me Jacob." She says and looks at me surprised that I'd even say that. "I can't trust you-"

"You can trust me! I've done everything I could to prove to show you that you could trust me!"

Diamond shakes her head. "I feel like every time a girl comes around I'm gonna be in the back hoping you pick me and I don't want that."

"Diamond I pick you." I turn back to her and sigh. "I had a fiancée I broke it off so I could be with you. I never give you a hint of disloyalty or anything like that. I don't understand how long it will take you to forgive me."

Diamond shakes her head. "I'm the one that had to remember for three years that my last boyfriend tried and said everything he could to say and break me. I get it was a day that you were mad but you called me stupid and a bitch. You pushed me several times and brushed me off like a piece of dust as if I were nothing to you. I loved you back then and for like a year I spent time waiting for you to call me back and wondering if you were still mad at me. I was so stupid now looking back at how much I wanted someone that didn't give two fucks about me."

"I was mad Diamond." I look down at both of our shaking feet feeling drained from this horrific memory that always pops up to bite me in the butt.

Diamond nods. "Yeah so when you're mad is that gonna happen again?"
"No it won't. I swear it won't just please trust me. Please."

"You can't force the trust out of my Jacob. You're gonna have to earn it."
I sigh and hug her. She tries pushing me off because she is upset but I wanted her close to me. "Jacob." She mutters against my bare chest.


"If you want to break up-"

I pull her from my chest groaning over her words. "I won't Diamond."

She puts her hand up to quiet me. "Shut up, just listen. If you want to eventually, one day, don't do it like you've done in the past. I'm not saying to pity me but just please don't hurt me. Please."

I nod shamefully. "I'm sorry."

-Diamond's POV

I know I'm not the easiest person to be with but I hope there is not another huge break up like there had been in the past. He's always the one that is alright while I'm at home crying and I don't want that for myself, no one does.

I thought today was gonna be another bad goodbye so I put my clothes on ready to get out. When he came back in the room his faces was light not like he was holding something back, like in the past. So for a moment I thought maybe he did pick me, maybe everything he said was true, maybe he loved me but I can't keep fouling myself like that anyone more so I washed all those good maybes out of my head and replaces them with bad ones. Maybe he really does love her,maybe he'll break up with me right now, maybe it'll be another three years before I see him again.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Me and him having been going out for a month and as he said he has shown no sign for me to not trust him but would you trust anyone after all he did? A person could only take so much and that's why I requested for a easy break up next time, if it happens.

"You want me to make you some breakfast?" He gets up while looking down at me.

I get up and go around him. "I'll make it."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "No. I'll make them. I'll be back soon."

I turn on the tv as he rushes out of the room. Eventually I realize there are no shoes on so I make the bed and put the sheets to wash.

As I'm laying down the door kicks open and he comes through holding a dozen red roses tucked under his arm and a platter of pancakes, eggs and bacon.
I sit up and he rest the food in my lap. I look up at him smiling at everything he did.

"Just my I'm-sorry-that-I-hurt-you gift." He hands me the roses which I place on the nightstand after looking at them with a huge smile.

"Thank you."

He sits next to me and I scoot over so he can fit. Jacob picks up the fork and circles it in front of my mouth until I give into his playfully ways and open my mouth. "Yum!" He says loudly and laughs. His lips connect with my cheek.

"Thank you." I blush lightly.

Jacob lays next to me and wraps his leg around mine. I giggle while my mouth is stuffed with pancakes.

"You creep me out Jacob."

He laughs and turns his head to me. "I know baby!"
He didn't go back to Chanel and y'all was doubting him. Smh. Lol I love you guys though!!!! 😘 💗
Comment and vote. Maybe it's time for some more drama in this story 😈😈

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