Wedding •Part 1•

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-Diamond's POV

I look in the mirror down at my wedding dress doing a little dance. I'm getting married! My bridesmaids and the makeup artist laugh at me but I'm bursting with excitement. All I want to do is run down the aisle and kiss my new hubby! Sadly it's not tradition to run and I get why in these type of dresses.

Everyone flew down for the wedding. All of Jacob's family and all of mine are sitting in the church waiting for the wedding to start. Even though both of us have problems with certain members of family it's nice that they came down with a smile on their face. Even Emmanueal has a big smile on his face, I secretly think he's a baby genius, he loves getting attention and with all these ladies around he's stealing my spotlight.

I go over to him while my sobered up mom holds him in her arms. I touch Emmanueal's cheek instantly getting a laugh out of him. I give him big kiss and his newly growing teeth show through his smile.

Miranda comes up to me and squeezes me. I feel her crying on my shoulder and hear her loud sniffles. "I promised I wouldn't cry but-" She cuts herself off by bawling once again. Her baby bump lays against me as she cries to me. I laugh at her and look at how much she cares about me.

"Miranda." I pull her away from my chest and notice the dramatic height difference my heels make between us. "You have been the bestest friend I've ever had my whole life. I don't know how to thank you for always being there for me. I love you."

"With this mushy shit." She says and blows into a tissue. "I don't fuck with you like that." She lies through her teeth and gives me a smile to assure me she's joking. She kisses my cheek and brush her hand lightly over my hair. "I love you to gurl!"

There's a knock on the door and everyone hurries me out the room. Before I know it I'm standing in front the doors of the church with a crowd of people behind me. The song here comes the bride and I start to feel sick. I burp and cover my mouth with my hand. I start backing up feeling the need to throw up and the doors open. Seeing Jacob and the guest's eyes on me made me feel even more nausea. "Oh no." I feel green. I try running back seeing Jacob's concerned eyes. I wanna marry him just let me puke for a second. Everyone pushes me forward and there I was in the aisle with the doors slammed behind me so I can't walk. "Oh God." I say holding my stomach and my mouth. I been dropped my bouquet.

Jacob starts running toward me and there is no way in hell I'm telling him I have to go throw up my breakfast real quick then come back and give him our first married couple kiss. I start knocking on the church doors and they quickly get open by Miranda. I hop out of my heels and run to my dressing room locking the door behind me. I bend down throwing up feeling a relief. I sigh and sit on the ground peacefully. "Finally." I gulp down some water and I hear ruffling. I turn and my eyes bug out.

"Ray!" I yell out of surprise. Is he really there or is it normal to have hallucination after throwing up.

Ray smiles awkwardly. "I'm sorry-"

I shake my head stopping him. I get myself off of the floor. "Look if you still hate the idea of Jacob being with me then you need to leave. It's my wedding." I don't got time for this shit on my wedding day. This is my day and a little bit of Jacob's but he's not going to ruin it.

He shakes his head. "I came because you mean the world to me. I shouldn't have ever made you feel like you were anything but a respectable woman and I know sometimes I wasn't the best to you. I just miss my friend and I came to say sorry."

I hear a loud bang on the door and scream. "Diamond open the door!" Jacob yells probably embarrassed that I've locked myself in a room when I so badly wanted a wedding this whole year.

"I'm coming!" I yell annoyed.

Ray shoves a box in my hand. "I remember when we talked about getting married and you said you always wanted one."

I open the box already knowing what it is. I smile seeing a sapphire tennis bracelet. I stick my wrist out giggling for him to put it on. He does and I watch my wrist delighted. Ray hugs me and kisses my cheek. "Good luck."

We head out the room and Jacob stood over me with a face. He didn't care to notice that the room was full of a horrible smell or that my lipstick was ruined all he saw was: Diamond + Ray= EVIL. Jacob goes to fight him but I put my hand on his chest stopping him. "Go back on the alter."

"Fuck no I was waiting mad long for you then you gonna run away from me?"

"I had to deal with something." He will not find out about me throwing up. I try taking his hand but he only grabs mine. Jacob pulls me into the room and slams the door in Ray's face. He hovers over me and takes my face in his hands. "Wait! Don't kiss me!" I cover my mouth.

Jacob sighs. "You aren't running away from me are you?"

I shake my head pouting. How could he even think that way? "Baby no." I take his hands in mine making sure not to speak in his direction so he doesn't get a whiff of my disgusting breath. "Just go back on the alter and I'll be out and I'll be your wife."

He nods and presses his lips against my forehead. "I love you." He whispers sweetly making my cheeks grow red. I push him playfully and wave at him before he reluctantly leaves.

Miranda comes in after him fanning her armpits. She comes out of her heels and comes to me. "Oh mah gah!" She pats the makeup on her face trying to take sweat of. "Girl I thought your ass was about to be a runaway bride!"

I shake my head running my hands down the beading of my wedding dress. "Never. But I need a toothbrush. I had a accident."

"Oh gosh." She pinches her nose as she looks at the trash can. "I thought you farted."

I sigh and turn Miranda around. "Go get me a fucking toothbrush." I laugh as she runs the best she can with her belly bump.

She comes back quickly and I brush my teeth quickly. I don't think I've ever been so excited that my hand shook when I brushed my teeth but it's happening now. After I'm done getting month fresh everyone rushes me. My stepmother takes my hand making me stop in front of the doors that will soon open. I see the makeup artist rushing to fix my chin and lip makeup back then she smiles stepping back. "Perfect." She whispers and brushes a strand of my hair back in its place.

Everyone eventually leaves me alone and here comes the bride starts playing once again. I almost jump out of my painful heels thinking about finally being Jacob's wife. I turn back to all my bridesmaids squealing with a ridiculously large smile across my face.

The doormen with their white gloves place their hands on the knobs ready to open the doors. I'm gonna be with Jacob. I'm gone be his wife. I can fucking shove his head in the toilet and not be the crazy girlfriend but rather his wife.

A tight grip makes me turn quickly. Ray stood there groaning. "I can't let you do this."


A little to be continued for you guys. I'm sorry for the late update I've just been thinking about possibly making a new book. But please Comment

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