Ending: Alternate

Comincia dall'inizio

It was silent for a few minutes until the phone buzzed and you jumped again.

Stop being so fidgety... You thought as you turned the phone on and saw a text from Gabriel.

Gabriel: Are you okay? Did something go wrong?

You started jogging as you typed out a reply.

(Y/n): I'm on my way, I think I came out a little too far from the spot but I'm heading there now

Noise from up ahead  startled you out of the conversation and you looked up to see Elijah leaning against a tree, not yet noticing you.

You darted behind a tree and watched as he took one more look at the road and walked back in the forest, his walk slow and terrifying.

I'm so lucky he didn't notice me.

You came out from behind the tree and started running again, your eyes watching where you had last seen him.

After about three more minutes you could see a car on the road in the distance. Hope swelled within your chest and you used your last amount of strength to run towards it, running on the road.

A group of people stood around the car, seemingly having a conversation. You could recognize one person out of all of them.

Tears came to your eyes as you barrelled towards him, "Gale!"

The black haired boy turned to look at you, his eyes immediately filling with relief. You ran into him, causing both of you to fall to the ground as you wrapped your arms around him.

"You got away." He breathed as he sat there stunned.

You buried your face in his shoulder and let loose a shaky breath, "I did it."

The two of you stayed that way for a few moments, clinging onto each other as if you were the only people left in the world. 

"(Y/n) (L/n)?" An unfamiliar voice said and you sat up to see someone with a police badge standing above the two of you.

"Yes, that's me." You said, standing up and helping Gale up as well.

"I see. Gabriel Roe told us what was happening and we're here to get you away as soon as possible." His eyes were full of questions but he didn't ask any of them.

"Oh okay." You said, still shaking.

I got away... Im free! I get to live again!

Gale put a comforting hand on your back and you finally realized the other police officers standing around. None of them stared at you directly, but you could tell they were monitoring you.

"Where is Gabriel?" You asked, turning back to the officer.

"He got called on business about 10 minutes ago. He left your safety to me." He answered.

Guilt creeped into the back of your mind. Gabriel had risked so much for you and you hadn't done anything for him in return.

"Miss (L/n), I'd hate to cut this short but your father is insisting we get you to him immediately." Another officer said and you nodded.

"Alright, is he coming with me?" You looked at Gale.

"He is to come in another car." The first officer answered.

You gave Gale an alarmed look but he smiled, "You'll see why."

He walked away from you to another car and got in the back, waving goodbye.

"I've been told you have a friend you lost connection with in your time in this estate." The officer said, walking over to his car.

You gave him a questioning look as he grabbed the back handle of the car. He pulled it up and the car door swung open, revealing someone sitting inside.

Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora