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"Good morning darling" you smile as you gently lift up your almost 14 month old daughter from her crib.

"Ma ma" she rambles as she wraps her little arms around your neck.

You smile as you carry her to her changing table.

"Did you have a good sleep?" You ask her as you lay her down and you carefully start to undress her from her pjs.

"Ma ma" she rambles again and you let out a little laugh. Sometimes you wonder if she understands even a word you're saying.

You smile and press a small kiss on top of her forehead. "Are you excited to see daddy again?" You then asks her.

As soon as the word daddy has left your mouth Skylars face lights up.

"Dada!" She squeals and she starts clapping her hands, smiling like crazy.

"Yes darling, daddy, we are going to see daddy again to today, are you excited?" You say to her, before blowing a kiss on her belly.

Shawn has been gone for almost two weeks now, having to leave to go on a small, mainly for some interview and appearances on some shows, since his new album just came out.

It was the first time since Sky was born that he left and to say that you missed him would be an understatement.

Not only was it quit hard to take care of Sky on your own. But since the eight month of your pregnancy Shawn didn't leave your side for more than a day. So you also just missed him, it was weird not having him with you all the time.

After you dressed Skylar in some normal clothes you pick her up and walk to the living room.

You quickly feed her before gathering all your stuff and leave for the airport.

"Thank you so much for picking us up" you tell Andrew as you give him a quick hug.

"You're more than welcome, besides as long as Shawn is in an interview I have nothing better to do" He tells you, laughing a little at the end.

You laugh as wel, as you're quickly taking apart the stroller so you can put the carrier in the backseat.

Once you're sure Skylar is safe and secure you hop into the passenger seat next to Andrew.

"Shawn was just finishing up an interview when I left, so I think he should be finished by now" he tells you when he drives away.

"Sounds perfect" you say smiling, letting your head rest against the seat.

It doesn't take long before you reach the venue where the interview was being recorded and as soon as Andrew drives up to the entrance, you notice Shawn waiting for you.

A smile appears on your face as soon as you see your favourite curly headed boy.

As soon as Andrew stops the car Shawn walks towards it. You laugh a little as he skip your door and immediately goes for the one where Skylar is sitting.

"Dada" she squeals as soon as he opened the door and she notices him.

"Hello my beautiful princes, I missed you so much" you hear him say, making the smile on your face even bigger.

You quickly unbuckle yourself and get out of the car.

You watch as Shawn carefully lifts Skylar out of the car and you smile as she immediately wraps her arms around his neck.

You can hear her mumble 'dada' as she snuggles her head in the crook of his neck and as he presses a kiss to the top of her head.

After that Shawn finally turns towards you, showing his beautiful smile.

"Hello my gorgeous queen" he says as he steps closer to you, wrapping his free arm around you and pulling in a hug.

"Hey baby, did you miss me as wel?" You ask him, laughing a little.

Shawn laughs as well. "Of course I missed you to, how can I not have missed the love of my life after two weeks" he tells you, before connecting your lips in a loving kiss. 

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