Finding out

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"Baby, you should really go to the doctor, you have been feeling sick for more than two moths, it makes me a little worried" Shawn says as you climb in bed next to him.

You sigh, wiping the water away from your mouth with the sleeve of your shirt. "I will, I will call them tomorrow" you say, laying down next to him and cuddling into his side.

He wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer to his body. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, a loving feeling rushes trough you body and you smile.

"Do you have any idea why you might be feeling like this?" He asks, gently rubbing your waist.

You slowly shake your head, thinking about the possible reasons.

And then is suddenly dawns on you and you eyes widen a little. You wiggle yourself out of Shawn's grip, leaning over to the night stand and you grab your phone.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asks, looking at the screen of your phone. You ignore his question as you scroll through you agenda, looking for the last time you got your period.

"F*ck" you mumble when you realise it has been almost two months.

"Is something wrong?" Shawn asks, a little worried. You bite you lip as you look at him.

"I missed my period twice" you explain, hoping he understand what you're getting at.

His eyes widen at your words. "You think you might be?" He asks you.

You chew your lip a little as you shrug. "I don't know, I mean we haven't be really careful lately, especially when you where on tour and I forget to take my birth control with me and we weren't exactly trust with using condom" you say, letting out a little chuckle at the end.

Shawn smiles at your words, letting out a little laugh himself. "Do you need me to pick you up a pregnancy test?" He asks a little nervously.

You shake your head, which makes him grow. "I already got some" you explain as you get off the bed. You words make him frown even more.

"Babe, do you really think that in the four years that we have been together I never thought I might be pregnant, this isn't the first time for me to take a test" you explain. Shawn's eyes widen a bit. "Well, you never told me that" he mumbles.

You chuckle walking over to his side of the bed before contenting your lips for a soft and loving kiss.

"That's because they always came back negative, trust me if one of them was positive I would have told you. But I only did it when I missed my period or something. I never actually felt sick or had any other symptoms" you explains.

He huffs a little, not really satisfied with your answer. His action makes you laugh and you peck his lips once. "I will be right back" you tell him before walking into the bathroom.

You take out one of the test out of the cupboards before doing you business.

When you're done you walk back in the bedroom. Shawn is still sitting on the bed, he looks at you when you walk in. "Done?" He asks.

You nod, climbing on the bed again and you sit down in front of him, crosses legged. You place the pregnancy test in between the two of you, faced down.

You suddenly feel quite nervous, rubbing your hands together as you look at Shawn.

He notices you nervousness and takes you hands in his, squeezing them a little. "Are you nervous?" He asks, you can her the nervousness in his voice as well.

You nod and sigh, "I don't know what it's, I never felt this nervous when doing a test. Maybe it's because you're here as well or because I have been experiencing more symptoms" you explain, chewing your lip a little as you talk. Shawn nods understanding.

It stays silence for a while as you both look at each other.

"What do you want the results to be?" You then asks, breaking the silence.

Shawn takes a deep breath before answering you. "I don't know, I don't care I think, I think I would be happy if it came out positive" he says.

His words bring a smile to your face. "Yeah, I think I would be as well" you say smiling.

Shawn leans closer to you, connecting your lips in a sweet and loving kiss.

"You ready?" You then asks Shawn. He nods, letting go of your hands.

You pick up the test and as soon as you read the results you stop breathing for a second.


1-2 months

"And?" Shawn pulls you out of your shock. You look at him, tears in your eyes, a small smile playing on your lips.

"I'm pregnant" you breath out, handing the test to Shawn.

A huge smile appears on his face as he looks at the test.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a dad, we're going to be parents, your pregnant. We are going to f*cking parents" he rambles as he looks at you, you can see some tears in his eyes as well.

You smile, nodding along with his words.

He drops down the test before pulling you into a hug, holding you close to his body.

You snuggle your head in his neck, still processing the news you just had.

You stay like this for a while before Shawn pushes you away from him a little, looking at your eyes.

"I love you so f*cking much" he says before connecting your lips for a deep and loving kiss. 

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