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"Good morning."

You are being pulled out of your thoughts by a pair of arms that wrap around your waist and Shawn raspy morning voice.

You feel him snuggling his head in the crook of your neck and you immediately realise how warm he is.

You turn around in his grip so you're facing him. Being met with his rosy cheeks. But they are more rosy than normal and a thin layer of sweat is spread across his forehead.

"Good morning darling, are you feeling?" You ask him, immediately feeling a little worried.

Shawn slowly nods, sniffling a little.

You frown a little, placing your hand against his fore head, instantly noticing how warm it is.

"Are you sure baby, you're burning up, I think you have a fever" you tell him, removing some curls from his face.

Shawn quickly shakes his head. "No I'm fine really, I just need a shower and than I can take the kids to the zoo" he says, his voice sounding very raspy and as soon as the words have left his mouth he coughs a few time.

"Shawn baby, you're sick, you should get some rest" you tell him.

Shawn lets out a little sigh, you can feel the tiredness in his action as he lets his head rest on your shoulder.

"But I promised Alex and Skylar that I would take them to the zoo today, I don't want to disappoint them" he mumbles but you can still hear his voice breaking a little.

You place your hands on the side of his head and you lift it up from your shoulder, so you can look at him.

"Shawn darling, you could never disappointed them, you're the best dad ever, but you also need to think about yourself, cause if you don't rest now you may be sick for longer and we certainly don't want that" you tell him making him sigh even more.

"Why are you always right" Shawn mumbles sniffing a little.

You let out a little chuckle. "Because I love you and I want you to feel alright" you tell him. "Now go back to bed, I will tell them you're sick and you will take them to the zoo next week."

Shawn slowly nods before he lets go of your waist and he turns around to walk back upstairs towards your bedroom.

You also turn around again to continue to make breakfast.

It doesn't take long before you hear the kitchen door open again and you know it are your five year old twins by their uncontrollable giggling. You turn around and watch them come in.

"Good morning mommy" your daughter Skylar says as she runs towards you.

She wraps her little arms around your waist hugging you.

"Good morning berry, did you sleep well?" You ask her running your hand through her hair.

"Where's daddy, he said he would take us to the zoo today?" Your son, Alex, than asks, making you look at him.

"Daddy is sick sweetheart? So he won't be able to take you to zoo today" you tell them.

"Is daddy going to be okay?" Skylar then asks.

When you look at her you can see the worry in her eyes.

You bent down to pick her up and let her rest on you hip.

"Of course he's going to be alright, he just need to get some rest and you know what he would like?" You ask as you look between the two of them.

They both shake their heads.

"If you bring some breakfast to him and cuddle with him in the big bed" you tell them.

"Really, can we do that?" Alex asks you.

You let out a little chuckle and nod. "Of course you can, I think daddy would really like that and make him feel allot better" you say, putting Skylar down and turning back to the counter to pick up a bowl of yogurt and fruit.

You carefully hand the bowl to Skylar, making sure she's holding it properly before removing your hands and you hand a spoon and a carton of water.

"Take this upstairs okay?" You say to them before they nod there heads and start walking upstairs.

You follow closely with a mug full of tea, making sure they don't drop anything.

As soon as you reach your bedroom Alex carefully opens the door.

"Good morning daddy, we have breakfast" Skylar almost whispers as they walk into the room.

You can see Shawn look up from his phone, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"Good morning sweeties, did you really?" He asks, his voice still sounding very raspy.

They both nod in response walking towards him.

You stay in the doorway as you watch them.

"Yeah mommy said you're sick and you needed cuddles."

Shawn looks up at you, showing you a small smile.

"I think mommy is right then, I would love some cuddles" Shawn says to them as he takes the bowl of yogurt from Skylar's hands and places it on the bedside table.

Shawn doesn't have to say it a second time before the twins crawl into bed with him.

He wraps both of his arms around them pulling them in a tight hug.

"Can we watch a movie" skylar asks him as she snuggles under the blanket next to him, letting her little head rest on top of his chest.

"Of course we can, what do you two little pumpkins want so watch?"

Alex and Skylar look at each other for a moment before Alex speaks.

"Can we watch toy story?" He asks.

Shawn smiles at him and nods. "Of course we can" he tells him.

As he grabs the tv remote from the night stand he looks at you. "Care to join" he asks with a smile.

You let out a little chuckle. "How can I say no to that" you say as you lick of your shoes before getting into bed next to Alex. 

Muffin Boy Imagines |Shawn Mendes|Where stories live. Discover now