Alcohol free

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"The boys are going out to have a drink at the bar downstairs, you want to go, hun?" Shawn asks you as he walks out of the bathroom and into the hotel room.

You look up from your phone at him, biting your lip a little. Knowing that if you went out to have a drink Shawn would notice you couldn't have a drink.

You found out you are pregnant about a week ago but you haven't found the perfect moment to tell Shawn about it. You where worried a situation would come up where you would usually drink but couldn't now.

"Babe?" Shawn pulls you out of your thoughts.

You think for a few seconds before you slowly nod. "Uhm, Yeah, sure" you say to him.

Shawn frowns a little, knowing that you usually liked going out for a drink.

"If you don't want to we don't have to" He tells you pulling a shirt over his head.

You run a hand through your hair. "No, we can go it will be fun" you tell him showing him a smile.

A smile appears on his face as well. "Good, I think we are leaving in about 15 minutes" he tells you as he sits down next to you.

You slowly nod. "Perfect, I will get changed than" you say, getting up from the bed.

"You want a mojito?" Shawn asks you when you sit down at a table.

You bite your lip, feeling a little nervous as you shake your head.

"No, I will just take an iced tea, I don't feel like drinking tonight" you tell him, trying to sound natural.

Shawn frowns a little as he nods. "You sure, we won't be out to late you can just have one" he asks.

You bite your lip. "I'm sure, an iced tea is fine" you tell him again.

"Okay then, we will see" Shawn mumbles walking towards the bar, his words making you frown a little.

"Are you alright?" Brian asks you, getting your attention.

You look at him and nod. "Yeah, why is everyone worried about me when I don't want to drink" you ask him, letting out a little nervous laugh.

You have know both Shawn and Brian since high school, making Brian feel almost like a brother to you so it was hard for you to lie to him.

"It's just that usually when we go out you drink" he says.

You give him a small smile. "Well not today" you say.

After a while Shawn and Connor return with you drinks.

"Thank you" you tell Shawn as he places a glass in front of you and sits down next to you.

"Your welcome babe" he says, wrapping an arm around you before he presses a kiss to the side of your head.

You smile at his action, leaning into his side a little more.

You have been feeling really tired the last couple of weeks. It was one of the reasons, besides feeling sick and missing your period, that you took a pregnancy test. Touring and having to go to different city's everyday didn't really help with that.

You reach onto the table grabbing your drink. When you take a sip of it you instantly can taste the alcohol, making you spit it out again.

"What's this?" You ask Shawn, "this isn't an iced tea, I told you I didn't want alcohol."

Shawn looks at you. "I got you a long islands iced tea, come on, we have tomorrow off, one drink won't do any harm, I don't understand why you are so hyped about it" He tells you, running one of his hands through his hair.

You let out a sigh, feeling a little annoyed, but also knowing that it's partly your fault since you haven't told him yet.

"It's nothing, I think I'm just going upstairs, I'm tired" you tell him, pushing you chair back so you can stand up.

"I'm sorry darling, okay? I didn't mean to make you mad, I will just get you another drink" Shawn says before you can stand up.

You almost feel like crying, for making him feel bad.

"It's okay, really, stay here I'm just going to bed" you tell him once more, now standing up.

You tell the other boys goodnight before you walk away.

You can hear Shawn following you but you keep on walking, already having some tears rolling down you cheeks.

"Y/n, can you please wait for a second and tell me what's wrong?" You can hear Shawn say behind you.

You know you can't ignore him when you reach the elevator, having to wait for it to arrive.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Shawn asks again when he reaches you, grabbing your pulse and turning you around.

As soon as he sees that you have tears in you eyes he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his body.

"What's wrong honey? Please talk, I hate seeing you like this" He tells you, pressing a kiss in your hair.

You let out a breath, letting your head rest against his chest, feeling more comfortable immediately.

"Can we go upstairs, I don't want to tell you here" you finally say to him.

"Of course darling" he tells you unwrapping his arms from you, taking you hand in his and leading you into the elevator.

"So can you now tell me what's going on?" Shawn asks when you sit down on the bed, kneeling down in front of you and taking your hands in his.

You take a deep breath, knowing you have to tell him now. "Okay, please don't get mad that I didn't tell you immediately when I found out, but do you remember that I felt sick for a couple of days and you told me to go see a doctor?" You start, studying Shawn's face as you talk.

A little frown appears and he slowly nods. "Yeah of course, is it something bad? Are you going to die?" He immediately asks, sounding more that worried.

You let out a little laugh and shake your head. "No, of course not, but I didn't go to the doctor because I kind of figured it out by myself. I missed my period as well so I took a pregnancy test last week and it was positive" you finally tell him.

Shawn eyes widen when he hears it, looking surprised. "Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me before? Oh my god, I'm so sorry I almost made you drink" Shawn says, rambling a little.

You laugh, feeling relieved that he isn't like mad.

"It's okay, honey, really, you didn't know and I don't know why I didn't tell you directly, I was just nervous I think and couldn't really believe it myself. I mean we didn't really plan this. I'm just happy you aren't mad" you confess to him.

"I would never get mad at you for this, but you making me a father, that's the most amazing thing in the world" he tells you, making you smile.

"Thank you, so much" you mumble, leaning forward and pressing a kiss on his lips. 

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