Cheater -p 2-

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"Y/n, you really need to go see him, I have never seen him like this."

You sigh as you switch your phone from one ear to the other as you are walking trough the supermarket.

"I don't know if I'm ready to go and see him, Karen, every time I even think of seeing his face I just want to slap him" you tell Karen, who is on the other side of the phone.

"I know, I wanted to do it at first too, I still can't believe he did it, but every time I go and see him it seems like he's doing worse. It seems like he hasn't slept in weeks and didn't leave his apartment in weeks as well. I'm afraid he will do something to himself if we don't do something. And I promise you I have tried everything to cheer him up, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you. But I think the only thing that will affect him is if sees you. I still hate him for what he did, but he's also still my son and I don't want to see him like this as well" Karen explains to you, sounding a little desperate.

You let out another sigh. "I know, I know, I will think about it, okay? I just don't know if I'm ready to see him, I mean it has only been two weeks" you say to her.

"I know, just think about it, okay? I have to go, call me if you need anything!" She tells you.

A small smile forms on your face. "I will, bye Karen" you say before hanging up the phone and sliding it in your back pocket.

As you keep on walking trough the store Karen's words repeat trough your head.

What if Shawn really does something to himself because of what happened?

You know you won't be able to forgive yourself if anything happens.

Without even realising, you rush trough the store, collecting everything you need as fast as possible before almost rushing to the checkout.

Once you've paid for your stuff and back in your car you quickly drive to Shawn's apartment complex. Quietly thanking yourself for not giving Shawn back his key two weeks ago.

Once you've reached the building you russ inside.

You gently knock on the door, just now realising what you're actually doing.

You hear some shuffling inside before Shawn's familiar voice fills your ears.

"F*ck of Brian, I don't want to go outside and I don't want to see you" he tells you trough the door.

You bite your lip a little, debating if this was the right thing to do, quickly realising it's now to late to back of.

"It's not Brian, Shawn, it's me, y/n" you say trough the door, feeling nervous, not knowing how he's going to response.

You hear more shuffling inside and it doesn't take long before the door flys open.

"Y/n? What, what are you doing hear?" Shawn immediately asks you, sounding more that surprised.

"Your mom called me, telling me that you weren't doing good" you tell him. You quickly look up and down, seeing how he's looking.

Karen wasn't wrong, he's dressed in a pair of sweat pants and some shirt that look like they should have been washed days ago. He has bags under his eyes and you can clearly see that he didn't shave in days.

"But why are you hear?" He asks, still sounding confused as he runs one of his hands trough his hair, a failed attempt to get his curls under control.

"Because I still care about you Shawn. I mean I still hate you what you did to me, but I also want you to be alright, you should be taken care of yourself" you explain to him.

You see Shawn biting his lip as he looks at you.

"I just don't know how, not without you here with me, I need you y/n, my apartment feels so empty without you here, I hate the feeling when I wake up and you're not next to me. I know what I did was extremely stupid and I will never be able to forgive myself for hurting you. But, but I really need you with me, I just don't know how to cope with everything without you by my side every step of the way, I love you so f*cking much" he tells you, almost sounding desperate and you can see the tears forming in his eyes.

As you hear him talk and seeing him standing there like that you have to keep yourself from not wrapping your arms around him and telling him everything will be alright. Your heart aches realising how much you love the man standing in front of you, even when you think about what he did to you.

You quickly decide to give in a little, still very aware that he shouldn't be able to get away with it this easily. But you also know that you can't let him go. Even with how much he hurt you, you still need him by your side as well, even to get over what he did, you need him.

"I still love you to Shawn, I never stopped, but you still hurt me, you still made me doubt how much I could trust you, so please don't expect me to act the same as before this happened, because it's going to take time to win my full trust back" you tell hem, chewing your lip a little.

Shawn quickly realises what you're saying and his face lights up.

"Are you giving me another change" he asks, sounding a little scared, worried that he misunderstood you.

You slowly nod. "Yes, but be careful with it, because it's your last chance" you say, feeling some tears form in your eyes as well.

Before you realise it Shawn has pulled you in a hug and as soon as he pulled you against his body the familiar feeling of home surrounds you again. A feeling you have been missing for the last two weeks.

"I promise I won't f*ck up again, I'm never letting you go again, I love you so f*cking much" he tells you before you feel him pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

You smile a little, happy to be in his arms again.

"I love you to Shawn."

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