Supermarket boyfriend

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You look around you, seeing some costumers walking around the store.

You sigh, feeling tired, knowing you had still at least an hour to go before you could go home.

You focus on filling the shelf's with product again, ignoring everything that was going on around you.

Suddenly you feel a pair of arms sneak around your waist, making your jump up a little.

"Hey beautiful" somebody mumbles before they press a kiss down on you neck.

You instantly recognize the voice as Shawn's and a small smile appears on your face. "Shawn what are you doing here?" you ask him a as you turn around in his grip.

He smiles at you. "What, can't I visit my beautiful, gorgeous girlfriend at her work?" he asks, a grin playing on his lips.

You feel yourself blushing as you push his arms away from you.

"Shawn, my boss is going to kill and fire me, and what if someone else sees us and takes pictures" you tell him, taking a step back from him.

You and Shawn have been dating for almost half a year, but you haven't told the world yet. You are just a simple student and you wanted to live your anonymous life for as long as possible.

Shawn pouts a little at your words. "Baby, no one is going to see us, we are all alone and if you bring fired means I can spend as much time with you as I want, I'm okay with it" he chuckles.

You look around you, he's right, there was no one else. But still you didn't want to take the risk. "Shawn, I don't want to get fired, and I don't want to take risks" you say.

"Can I at least give you a quick kiss?" He pouts, showing you his puppy dog eyes.

You chuckle, thinking for a second before slowly nodding.

A smile appears on his face as soon as the words leave you mouth. He leans closer to you, quickly pecking your lips.

You smile at him, not really paying attention to your surroundings.

"What time are you off?" He then asks A smile playing on his lips.

"At 5 why?" You wonder, as study his face a little.

"I will pick you up, you look like you're tired, so we can get some take-out and cuddle on my couch, sounds good?" He suggest, his words bringing a smile to your face.

You nod smiling. "Sounds perfect" you mumble.

Shawn smiles as well. "Good, then I will see you at five." He quickly pecks your lips one more time before walking away from you, leaving you smiling to yourself.

Muffin Boy Imagines |Shawn Mendes|Where stories live. Discover now